How do you share games on PS4 with multiple accounts?

You can share downloaded games between accounts on a single PS4 console by setting up a simple process called "game sharing." As long as you activate a PS4 as the primary system for an account, all other accounts on that console gain access to purchased games. Here‘s an in-depth guide on how game sharing works and how to set it up.

How Game Sharing Works on PS4

On PlayStation, all digital games are tied to the account that purchased them. To play purchased games on a secondary account, you need to share licenses between accounts by setting a "primary" console.

Here‘s how primary consoles and game licenses work:

  • Each PSN account can activate one PS4 as its primary system. This grants shared content access to all accounts.
  • All users on the primary PS4 can play games bought under the main account. The main account retains license to play that content on any PS4.
  • Content can only be shared with accounts on the same primary console, not separate consoles.

So by setting your friend‘s PS4 as your primary and vice versa, you create a bridge to share libraries. You can access all of your friend‘s purchased games, PlayStation Plus, game add-ons, and other content just by downloading it.

Step-By-Step Guide to PS4 Game Sharing

Follow this simple process to start accessing your friend‘s PS4 game library:

1. Activate Primary Console Sharing

On your PS4‘s home screen:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management > Activate as Your Primary PS4
  2. Select Activate > Confirm

PS4 Primary Console Settings

This allows other accounts on your console to access games.

2. Deactivate as Primary on Other Consoles

Before linking accounts, make sure to deactivate as primary on other consoles to avoid issues:

  1. Go to Settings > Account Management > Activate as Your Primary PS4
  2. Select Deactivate and confirm

You can only have one primary PS4.

3. Repeat on Your Friend‘s PS4

Have your friend deactivate your console as their primary PS4. Then activate their console as primary for your account. Now both accounts share game licenses!

Game Sharing Limits and Troubleshooting

There are some limits and licenses checks enforced by Sony:

  • You can only share games with one other account at a time.
  • All users must connect to PSN once every 7 days for license renewal. Games may lock if offline too long.
  • Games can show a lock icon if primary activation wasn‘t done properly. Just redownload as needed.

Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check that you‘ve deactivated as primary PS4 on other consoles first.
  • Restore licenses under Settings > Account Management to fix locked games.
  • Make sure accounts have an active PlayStation Plus subscription to play online together.

Game Sharing Benefits and Risks

Game sharing has many benefits:

  • Play your friend‘s games at the same time without restrictions
  • Share PlayStation Plus subscription benefits like monthly games
  • Only pay for half the games between your shared library
  • Enjoy add-ons, season passes, and bonuses that your friend purchased

However, there are some risks to be aware of:

  • Sony officially forbids game sharing under its Terms of Service. It‘s meant for household use only.
  • Sharing accounts or purchasing shared games from strangers risks banned accounts or scams.
  • Make sure to only gameshare with real-life friends you fully trust. Don‘t share passwords!

In my opinion, sharing between friends is ethical. As long as you aren‘t selling accounts or cheating libraries between strangers, it allows gamers on a budget to access more content. However, loss of your PSN account is a real risk to consider carefully.

Game Sharing Comparison Between Platforms

FeaturePS4PS5Xbox OneXbox Series X/S
Simultaneous play of shared gamesYesYesYesYes
Share games with family across multiple consolesNoConsole sharing benefits onlyYes via Home XboxYes via Home Xbox
Share subscription benefits (PS Plus, Game Pass)YesYesYesYes
Play shared games offlinePS Plus required for license checks every 7 days

As this table shows, PS4 game sharing is a bit more limited than Xbox game sharing. On Xbox, you can freely share games across consoles with family accounts.

Final Thoughts

Game sharing represents a classic debate between consumer friendly features and anti-piracy measures. While sharing libraries sounds appealing, it also raises financial concerns for game studios.

As gamers though, we naturally want to access content without repeat purchases. Setting up primary console sharing strikes an appropriate balance in my view – but ensure you fully trust any sharing partners first!

With this guide, you now understand the PS4 game sharing process to access and enjoy a shared library. Have fun exploring your friend‘s game catalogue together!

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