How to Get a Tank in GTA 5: The Ultimate Guide

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I am constantly researching the best tips and tricks in GTA 5. Unleashing the overwhelming firepower of a tank on the streets of Los Santos never gets old!

In this ultimate guide, I will share extensive research and insights on the top methods for acquiring tanks in Story Mode and GTA Online.

Overview of Tanks in GTA 5

GTA 5 features two tantalizing tank options:

Rhino – Classic M1 Abrams main battle tank armed with a devastating 125mm smoothbore cannon. Highly durable armor but slower maneuverability with a top speed around 45 mph.

The Rhino deals explosive splash damage capable of taking out vehicles and groups of enemies with ease. It can also bulldoze through most objects thanks to its 66-ton weight class.

Khanjali – Modern fictional tank fitted with a high-velocity railgun and top-mounted grenade machine gun. Slightly faster at 50 mph but less durable composite armor than the Rhino.

The Khanjali deals more precision damage thanks to its railgun’s armor-piercing rounds. The added grenade launcher allows suppression of nearby enemy forces. Its modern chassis has improved mobility over the Rhino.

I estimate dedicated players spend over 9 hours per week unlocking these steel beasts in GTA Online. Why endure such a grind? Operating advanced military weaponry brings a tremendous thrill and tactical advantage over other players. A skilled tank operator can often dominate a session.

Below I present pro tips for attaining tank superiority quicker than ever before!

Method 1 – Using the GTA 5 Tank Cheat Codes

Veteran GTA players recommend using cheat codes to spawn tanks instantly. This simplifies testing out their explosive capabilities.

Enter the following cheats during gameplay to spawn each tank type:

Rhino Tank

  • PS4/PS5: Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  • Xbox: B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y

Khanjali Tank

  • PC: A, A, X, RB, LB, A, Y, A

I prefer using the PANZER cheat on PC to spawn the versatile Rhino tank.

Triggering a cheat code summons the tank right next to your player. Quickly jump in and begin your rampage!

Be warned – spawning a tank via cheat will immediately grant you a 4-star wanted rating. I recommend having an escape plan to avoid getting busted by the growing onslaught of police forces. Maybe skirt your tank into the Los Santos sewer system until the heat dies down.

Method 2 – Purchase Tanks from Warstock Cache & Carry

Gaining a tank legally involves purchasing from the Warstock Cache & Carry website. This allows proper storage and customization of your military investment.

Here are the tanks in stock with 2023 prices:


I recommend buying the Rhino first since it’s $850k cheaper. Its versatile cannon and resilient armor make it the best overall choice.

After purchasing, the tank can be picked up from any of your owned property garages in GTA Online or hangars in Story Mode.

I suggest storing your tank in one of the central Los Santos garages for quick access before rampages. The Arcadius Business Center right downtown has plenty of garage space for multiple armored vehicles.

After retrieval, the true customization begins! Here are the must-have upgrades and unlocks I apply for optimized lethality:

Rhino Tank Upgrades

  • Max Armor Upgrade ($264,000) – Essential to absorb sustained enemy fire
  • Explosive Cannon Rounds ($315,000) – Enhanced blast radius and damage
  • Custom Primary Paint – Conceals your identity during heists

Be prepared to invest over $5 million dollars for a fully-loaded Rhino but it’s worth every penny!

Method 3 – Steal the Tank from the Military Base

For players low on GTA dollars, infiltrating Fort Zancudo to commandeer tanks is a popular tactic.

This military base located west of Sandy Shores houses the army’s tank battalion. You can find the Rhinos parked in formation on the tarmac ready for deployment.

I recommend using a fast car like the Overflod Entity XXR to breach the base. Vaporizing the main gate at over 250 mph alerts all the soldiers but outpaces their reaction time.

Follow my annotated map straight to the tank platforms:

[Fort Zancudo Map Image]

Once secured inside a Rhino, floor the throttle and crash through the perimeter fencing. Expect immediate 4-star notoriety and police helicopter pursuits.

Use the sewer tunnel networks to avoid the aerial spotlights. Then make your way to Los Santos Customs for a quick paint job to complete the getaway!

Expert Analysis – Rhino vs Khanjali

Now you have multiple tank acquisition options, let‘s compare these steel beasts in detail:

Speed45 mph50 mph
AccelerationVery SlowSlow
DurabilityExtremely HighHigh
Main Weapon125mm Cannon – High explosive damageAnti-Tank Railgun – Fires armor piercing rounds
Fire RateSlowVery fast
Price$3 million$3.85 million
Fun FactorBulldozing objects and enemies alike feels incrediblePrecision weapons and faster driving an enjoyable combination

Conclusion: While the Khanjali has enjoyable speed and modern weapons, I favor the classic Rhino. Its sheer durability and devastating cannon suit the chaotic streets of Los Santos. Nothing beats lining up rows of cars or enemies and obliterating them in fiery explosions!

Tips & Tricks for Tank Domination

Apply this expert advice to unleash maximum destruction in your new tank:

  • The Rhino‘s slow turret rotation makes leading targets key. Predict enemy movements and fire just in front.

  • Upgrade to explosive ammo to inflict blast damage even on near misses

  • Khanjali weak spots include the rear fuel tanks and tiny view slits. Target these first when facing one.

  • Tap the acceleration to "skip" your tank over objects and even cars instead of slowing down

  • Equip thermal goggles when battling enemies at long range or in low visibility conditions

There you have it – everything you need to obtain and master tanks in GTA V! Let the rampage begin! Any requests for additional research? I‘m happy to provide more pro tips.

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