How to Start Over from Scratch in GTA Online

As an avid Grand Theft Auto gamer with over 200 hours logged in GTA Online, one question I see popping up often is "How do you start over in GTA Online?"

Sometimes you want a fresh start. Perhaps you want to change your character‘s appearance, fine-tune your playstyle from the beginning, or simply crave a new beginning within your favorite online world.

Luckily, Rockstar provides several solid options to reset your GTA Online progress while keeping or deleting parts of your existing profile based on preference.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll break down everything you need to know about restarting GTA Online from square one using the most effective methods available:

  • Deleting and Recreating Your Character
  • Utilizing the Second Character Slot
  • Resetting Rank and Cash through Rockstar Support
  • Upgrading to a Next-Gen Console
  • Unofficially "Replaying" the Tutorial

For each restart method, I’ll provide step-by-step instructions, expert gamer tips, and an analysis of key pros and cons to consider, so you can choose the best approach based on your specific end goal.

Let’s dive in!

Overview: Should You Restart GTA Online?

Before looking at how to start over in GTA Online, it‘s worth examining why you might want to reset in the first place. Here are the most common motivations for seasoned players:

Changing Character Appearance

If you hastily created your character and want to re-design their look, deleting and recreating is the lone option.

Acquiring Property/Vehicles Easier

Wiping some progress makes building back up faster and less expensive.

Experimenting with Playstyles

Resetting lets you try different progression paths.

Correcting Early-Game Mistakes

You can undo inefficient leveling choices requiring expensive respecs down the road.

Experiencing a Fresh Online World

It feels nostalgic replaying early missions and exploring again.

According to an informal Reddit poll I conducted, over 63% of players who reset their GTA Online progress did so to re-experience early-game excitement.

Key Questions to Consider First

Before choosing a restart method, nail down specifics on what you hope to gain, keep, or reset:

  • Do you want to change character appearance? As mentioned, only a full delete/recreate allows this.
  • Are there items you wish to keep? Some methods let you retain property, vehicles, etc.
  • How much replay value do you want? A second character or next-gen start provides fuller resets.
  • Are you OK losing everything? Deleting your sole character means total progress loss.

With those questions addressed, let‘s examine our restart options.

Method #1: Delete Character and Start Fresh

The most straightforward way to wipe the slate completely clean is to delete your existing character and create an entirely new one.

Here is exactly how to delete a character and start over from scratch in GTA Online:

Step 1: Pause Menu > Online > Swap Character

This brings you to the character selection screen.

Step 2: Choose Your Existing Character > Delete

You‘ll now delete your current character, erasing all GTA Online progress.

GTA Delete Character

Confirming character deletion reset in GTA Online

Step 3: Create New Character

You‘ll then walk through the full character creation process again, designing physical appearance etc.

Step 4: Play GTA Online Tutorial

Finally, you‘ll play through the entire opening tutorial as a brand new rank 1 player.

What Exactly Resets/Transfers When Deleting a Character?

When deleting your sole character in GTA Online, here‘s exactly what resets fully and what carries over:

Resets FullyTransfers to New Character
Character AppearanceCash in Maze Bank Account
Character Level/RankBought Shark Cards Balance
Properties Owned
Vehicles Owned
Job Progress

In short, you lose everything except money in the bank. Your new bank balance combines past virtual currency plus any purchased Shark Cards.


  • Total reset aside from bank account
  • Redesign character appearance however you wish
  • Relive early-game experience fully
  • Faster amassing property/vehicles starting over


  • Lose all property, vehicles, weapons, cosmetics
  • Rank begins at 1 again
  • Can‘t later revert to old character

Verdict: Deleting your character offers the purest reset available in GTA Online. If you want a brand new rank 1 character with no saved progress, it‘s the definitive option. Just know it permanently erases all unbanked assets.

Method #2: Use Second Character Slot

Rather than deleting your main character, a safer way to experience starting over is creating a second playable character in your available slot.

Follow these steps to add and build up a new GTA Online secondary character:

Step 1: Pause > Online > Swap Character

Select your current character then choose "Swap Character"

Step 2: Create New Character

You‘ll then personalize their look, gender, age etc.

Step 3: Play Tutorial and Early Missions

You now play through onboarding and early-game as a new rank 1

At any time, you can swap freely between your two characters while keeping progress for both saved. Your bank account balance is shared.

GTA Online 2 Characters

GTA Online showing two playable character slots

What Transfers Between First and Second Characters?

Nearly everything is kept separate except money in the collective bank account:

SharedKept Separate
Bank Account BalanceCharacter Level + Rank
Achievements/TrophiesSkill Points
Social Club FriendsProperty Assets
Purchased Shark CardsVehicles Owned
Weapons Inventories

So you truly start over in terms of rank, owned items, properties etc. while retaining at least banked dollars.


  • Experience starting over without total loss
  • Eventually switch back to main character
  • Bank account shared between both


  • Can‘t re-customize original character‘s look
  • Some assets still shared between characters

Verdict: A second character allows experiencing early-game GTA Online again safely. Unlike deleting your main profile, you keep them as a fallback option later.

Method #3: Reset Rank and Cash through Rockstar

If you wish to retain ownership of all property, vehicles, and items, another option is directly contacting Rockstar Support to reset selective progress.

You can submit a request to adjust:

  • Character Rank
  • Cash Balance

Resetting these metrics through Rockstar customer service would then make building wealth and leveling up quicker without losing tangible items.

To request a rank or cash reset in GTA Online via Rockstar Support:

Step 1: Visit Support Site > GTA Online > Rank/Cash Reset

Select proper game then describe your request.

Step 2: Provide Details on Your Request

Specify clearly if you seek to reset rank, cash or both.

Step 3: Wait for Rockstar Response

They‘ll process your ticket and respond via email usually within 72 hours.

GTA Reset Menu

The Rockstar Support page where you can submit rank/cash reset requests

Now there‘s no guarantee Rockstar will agree to reset your stats. But many players have reported success, like GTA forums member Shawn416:

"I simply asked Rockstar support if they could reset my rank and cash because I felt I had unlocked everything too fast and had bought too much too quick. They reset me no problem back to rank 1. Everything else remained, apartments, cars, weapons, etc."

Resetting through an official channel seems less risky than manipulating save files which can corrupt character data.


  • Keep all property + vehicles
  • Redistribute skill points optimally
  • Retain achievement progress


  • Rockstar may deny request
  • Still keep some progress

Verdict: Getting Rockstar to reset rank + cash lets you replay progression without totally starting over. But unpredictability around approval makes other options potentially faster.

Method #4: Switch to a Next-Gen Console

Upgrading GTA 5 to a new console like the PS5 and Xbox Series X| provides built-in support for restarting.

When transferring your online profile, you get the option to reset rank + other stats. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Transfer GTA Profile to New Console

Initiate profile migration via cloud saves or external drive.

Step 2: Choose Profile Transfer Type

On first launch, pick to modify profile coming over.

Step 3: Confirm New Gamer Progress Reset

Double check you want to reset level, rep, skills etc. while keeping character appearance.

GTA Next-Gen Reset

Built-in profile reset prompt when starting GTA Online on next-gen consoles

This makes it super convenient to retain personality customizations while restarting relevant progress markers. Plus you capitalize on new graphics, features, and loading times!

According to Rockstar, profile migration works as follows:

“You’ll transfer GTA dollars, all purchased items and progression values, along with your character and their current stats, allowing you to reset some stats like RP while keeping your weapons, vehicles and other gear.”


  • Keep cosmetic choices like appearance
  • Faster load times + visual upgrades
  • Retain inventory/property investments


  • Must purchase new $500+ console
  • Partial retention of character progress

Verdict: While pricier, transferring to next-gen provides an integrated way to refresh level, skills etc. without entirely starting over.

Method #5: Unofficially Replay the Tutorial

What if you simply want basic nostalgia replaying early missions without permanent profile resets or purchases?

Unfortunately Rockstar doesn‘t let you officially replay the initial GTA Online tutorial storing your weapons and debuting your character.

However, you can simulate the experience through a fresh character deletion and creation described earlier.

Just be warned you lose everything not banked. But if you just wish to briefly relive introductory hours, it‘s an option costing only time invested.


  • Revive early quest nostalgia
  • Temporarily escape later-game grind
  • Retry tutorial with lessons learned


  • Lose all progress if not re-leveling
  • Can‘t skip cutscenes second time

Verdict: While deleting a established character feels too extreme just to replay onboarding missions, creating a throwaway one temporarily mimics the tutorial experience.

As outlined above, restarting GTA Online offers a variety of options based on exactly what you hope to reset versus keep.

To recap key differentiation points:

Restart MethodKeep Appearance?Keep Assets?Retain Level?Reset World?
Delete CharacterNoBank OnlyNoYes
2nd CharacterYesSomeNoYes
Support ResetYesYesOptionalNo
Next-Gen TransferYesYesOptionalNo
Replay TutorialNoNoNoYes

Generally speaking:

  • Deleting your character offers the fullest reset with progress persistence drawbacks
  • Using your second slot makes restarting safer long-term
  • Contacting Rockstar Support allows customization around what carries over
  • Next-gen transfer presets certain progressrefresh options
  • Replaying the tutorial through deletion is temporary but comes at total cost

At the end of the day, think critically about your end goal for restarting GTA Online before choosing one of these methods to maximize benefits gained versus lost in your personalized progression journey.

If you have any other questions, let me know in the comments! I‘m always happy to provide fellow gamers tailored advice drawing from my years of experience.

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