How to Stop Your Pokémon from Falling Head-Over-Heels in the Heat of Battle

As a passionate Pokémon fan, I‘ve had my fair share of battles lost due to a well-placed Attract leaving my powerhouse Pokémon infatuated and immobilized. And I know I‘m not alone! So let‘s shed some light on what causes Pokémon infatuation, its frustrating effects, and most importantly – how to counter it.

What Causes Infatuation?

Quite simply, the move Attract. When a Pokémon uses Attract on an opponent of the opposite gender, there is a 50% chance of infatuation if it hits. Certain abilities also cause infatuation indirectly. The result? At least 50% of the time, the lovestruck Pokémon cannot attack due to being "immobilized by love"!

Pikachu Immobilized by Love

Pikachu‘s infatuation kept it from attacking 50% of turns

So what moves and abilities should you watch out for? See the table below:

Attract50% infatuation chance, opposite gender target
Cute Charm30% chance of infatuating attacker if hit by direct contact move
Lovely Kiss100% chance of infatuating target

The duration? Infatuation lasts indefinitely…or until the Pokémon is switched out. So it can really turn the tide of battle if not dealt with promptly!

Countering Common Infatuation Tactics

When you see your opponent use an infatuation strategy, here are some excellent ways to counter it:

#1). Abilities: Oblivious and Aroma Veil

Both abilities make Pokémon immune to infatuation! Great options like Muk, Tropius, and Florges can shrug off would-be heartbreak.

#2). Mental Herb & Eggant Berry

Giving at risk Pokémon one of these held items is highly recommended. They‘ll snap the Pokémon out of attraction once activated.

#3) Refresh & Rest

Teaching these status-cleansing moves lets your Pokémon cure itself of the lovesickness! Much better than waiting turns.

And as a last resort, Red Flute cures all party members of infatuation. Whew! Disaster averted. Now let‘s get our strategy back on track.

Infatuation Counter Options – Ranked

As a competitive gamer, I‘m always considering best moves for countering opponents. When it comes to stopping infatuation, here is how I rank the key abilities and items:

1ObliviousS+ Tier, full immunity!
2Aroma VeilS+ Tier, protects full party
3Mental HerbA Tier, one use though
4RefreshA Tier, reusable healing
5RestB Tier, takes a turn to work

I favor abilities since they permanently prevent infatuation with no drawbacks. For held items, Mental Herb is better than Eggant Berry as it has more uses in battle. Refresh beats Rest as well since it heals status immediately.

A Scientific Basis for Love in Pokémon?

We all know game mechanics don‘t always align to realism. So what explains Pokémon becoming immobilized by infatuation? I mean, they are fighting the object of affection!

Perhaps we can chalk it up to the magic and mystery of the Pokémon world. But I also question if there are plausible scientific explanations…

Dopamine Release Cartoon

Could attraction trigger dopamine overload for Pokémon?

For instance, dopamine and oxytocin surges when two organisms are attracted can induce obsessive behavior and poor decision making. In humans and animals, pair bonding chemistry can be powerful enough to override survival instincts.

Might Pokémon work similarly? Could seeing an attractive potential mate involuntarily hijack executive functioning and battle focus? It‘s fun speculation at least! Let me know what theories you all have.

Parting Advice on Handling Lovestruck Pokémon

While infatuation can surprise you in battle, training Pokémon with the Oblivious/Aroma Veil abilities and Refresh/Rest moves will make you well-prepared. I also highly recommend keeping Mental Herbs or Eggant Berries handy for your fighters!

And if all else fails, don‘t forget about those trusty Red Flutes. A little dose of this Love Potion Antidote will get your Pokémon back battling at their best.

Hope these competitive gaming tips help you strategize around attraction and steer clear of immobilizing infatuation episodes. Now get out there and catch ‘em all! Just maybe not ALL their hearts 🙂

Let me know in the comments if you have any other great infatuation counter tactics! This gamer is always trying to be the very best.

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