How to Switch Between Players in Madden 22

When playing defense in Madden 22, being able to quickly switch to the right player at the right time can make or break a play. Mastering player switching mechanics is critical for experienced Madden players. This guide will overview the basic controls and advanced tactics for changing players in Madden 22.

Basic Player Switching Controls

The most straightforward way to switch players in Madden 22 is by tapping the Circle button (PS4/PS5) or B button (Xbox). This will cycle between defenders near the ball prior to the snap or nearby receivers/defenders during a play.

Other useful pre-snap controls include:

  • Motion: Hold L/R on left stick
  • Hot routes: Press Y/Triangle
  • Switch player: Press B/Circle

Player Lock Mechanic

An advanced Madden tactic is using the player lock mechanic to take control of a single player for the entire play. To do this, quickly double tap the left stick on your controller to lock onto the player and switch positions at the start of a play.

Locking to a single player like a linebacker or safety allows you to follow the play from that perspective. This can be extremely useful when playing as a QB or running back on offense too.

Player Select Mechanic

Another method for picking a specific defender or receiver to switch to is by using the player select wheel.

To access this:

  • Hold the B/Circle button
  • A wheel with player icons will appear
  • Move the right stick to highlight the player you want
  • Release the button to switch players

This gives precise control to swap to any player on the field before or even during a play if timed correctly.

Hot Routes and Assignments

When placing defensive players into man or zone assignments pre-snap, the player switching logic will try to keep you on the assigned defender as long as possible.

The same applies to receivers sent on “hot routes” for specific patterns. Moving an outside WR to run a post route typically means you will remain locked onto that receiver at the start of the play.

Understanding these controls and the player switching mechanics in Madden 22 takes practice like other skill moves. But mastering switching can help you play lockdown defense and move the ball more efficiently on offense.

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