How to Switch Between Sticky Bombs and Grenades in GTA 5 on PC

As an experienced GTA gamer, one of the most common questions I see is "how do you quickly switch between sticky bombs and grenades on PC?". With intense firefights erupting at a moment‘s notice in Los Santos, you need to be able to access and employ the right throwable weaponry for the job.

So let‘s break down the easy process for swapping sticky bombs and standard grenades on a keyboard and mouse:

Accessing the Weapons Wheel

The first step is accessing your available weapons inventory. On PC, press the TAB key to bring up the radial weapons wheel menu. Once open, you‘ll see icons for each weapon type, including throwables like sticky bombs and grenades.

Selecting Throwables

Next, use your mouse to select the throwables icon, typically located at the 4 o‘clock position on the wheel. The icon looks like a classic hand grenade.

With the throwables section highlighted, you can now switch between equipped throwables using your mouse scroll wheel.

Scrolling Between Throwables

Simply scroll up or down to cycle between the two available throwable weapons – sticky bombs and standard hand grenades. Note the icon will also change depending on which throwable you have equipped.

  • Sticky Bomb Icon – Round bomb with orange light
  • Grenade Icon – Classic style grenade

So if you need some explosive sticking power, scroll until you have the sticky icon selected. Preferring the quick fuse of grenades instead? Scroll again to equip frags.

Closing the Wheel

Once you‘ve equipped the desired throwable weapon, press TAB again to close the weapons wheel. Your character model should now display the throwable you selected, ready to toss and detonate!

With this easy process mastered, switching explosive ordnance on the fly becomes second nature. Keep reading for advanced tactics and analysis!

Sticky Bomb vs Grenade – Which Should You Use?

With the ability to quickly swap throwables, the next key question becomes: "Should I be using sticky bombs or standard grenades in this combat situation?"

Let‘s compare the key stats for both throwable explosives:

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ThrowableBlast RadiusDamageDetonationCost
Sticky Bomb5 metersMassiveManual detonate$700
Grenade3 metersHigh3 second fuse$300


Based on the stats comparison, we can draw some conclusions:

  • Blast Radius – Sticky bombs have a larger effective radius, capable of damaging more targets in a single explosion
  • Damage – The intense sticky bomb blast inflicts more damage, especially against vehicles and structures
  • Detonation – Grenades detonate faster with a short 3 second fuse while stickies allow precise timed manual detonation
  • Cost – Grenades are the cheaper throwable option at just $300 per unit

So when would you want to use each? Here are two veteran GTA gamers weigh in:

"I rely on sticky bombs for big targets like enemy cars or choppers. The ability to stick then manually detonate gives me more control."NightRunner69, experienced Grand Theft Auto streamer.

"I prefer grenades for fast-moving skirmishes. Being able to quickly toss and have them blow up immediately keeps enemies on their toes."LuckyShotz, leader of the Dangerous Minds crew.

In the end, mastering both throwables to fit varying combat encounters leads to maximum carnage!

Advanced Tactics and Tips

Ready to truly master grenades and sticky bombs? Here are some expert tips to deploying explosives like a pro:

Carefully Place Sticky Bomb Traps

Sticky bombs act almost like mines you can pre-place then blow up when enemies arrive. For example:

  • Elevated Placement: Stick bombs to walls/rooftops overlooking key areas
  • Object Traps: Leave bombs on vehicles/generators likely to be interacted with
  • Pathing and Chokes: Focus on intersections, alleys, or bottlenecks

This allows devastating explosive ambushes even when you‘re outnumbered!

Cook Grenades for Deadlier Fuse

Don‘t simply lob grenades and hope enemies stay put. Instead, cook grenades first!

Hold the throw grenade button to keep the fuse cooking, shaving precious seconds off the detonation timer. Release when ready for a much deadlier blast!

chained Detonations for Maximum Damage

Use sticky bombs to prep chained explosions that annihilate groups:

  • Stick multiple bombs to a vehicle
  • Allow enemies to enter/approach
  • Detonate them simultaneously for a cataclysmic surprise!

Chained bombs greatly surpass limited grenade damage, perfect for inflicting mass chaos.

By mastering versatile, explosive ordnance and quick on-the-fly swapping, you‘ll dominate Los Santos skirmishes in no time!

Let me know what other GTA 5 topics you want to see covered in future posts!

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