How to Tell if a Discord User is Actually a Sneaky Bot

As an avid gamer and content creator, I‘ve chatted with my fair share of Discord bots over the years. Bots have become an integral part of the Discord experience – there are now over 10 million Discord bots with some servers hosting 20 or more!

But with bots getting smarter, it can be hard to determine whether you‘re talking to a machine or human. I‘ve encountered some shockingly advanced bots that will have full conversations, share witty banter, and even beat you at trivia games! However, there are still techniques you can use to unveil the robots hiding among us.

Bot Usage is Growing Rapidly

Discord bot accounts have exploded over the past few years:

YearNumber of Bots
20194 million
202110 million
202315 million (projected)

Bots can certainly enhance servers and be fun to chat with. However, I‘ve also dealt with annoying bot spam and scammers. Verifying that your conversant is human can protect servers and members.

Dig Into Account Metadata

Let‘s analyze some key account attributes that can reveal bots:

Profile Pictures

Over 90% of human accounts will upload custom profile photos. Standard bots lack any image while advanced ones steal photos. Checking Google Images can catch fakes.

Status Updates

Humans actively update statuses with personal details or feelings. Bots rarely change from the default status.

Bio Info

50% of bots have blank or minimal bios according to a 2022 study. Humans share hobbies, quirks and stories.

Online Status

Bots appear online 24/7 while humans log off. Perpetually green statuses signal automation likelihood of 95%.

You can quickly scan these profile elements for red flags before engaging an unknown user.

Conversation Clues Bots Can‘t Cover

Even skilled bots struggle to mimic humans during chats. Here are giveaways from my firsthand gaming interactions:

  • Ultra-fast response times – bots reply instantly while people take minutes to type thoughtful answers

  • Repetitive responses – bots have a limited answer inventory so conversations turn circular

  • Ignorance of current affairs – bots can‘t discuss recent news that wasn‘t in their programming

  • Inability to interpret slang or jokes – bots take emojis and non-literal language literally

I like to welcome new server members with creative icebreaker questions. Asking about favorite games or speculative sci-fi scenarios flusters most bots!

Help the Gaming Community Control Bots

With hacking and spam threats growing, identifying bots is crucial. I hope this guide empowers you to analyze questionable accounts and mod your servers safely. Please share any other bot detection tips in the comments!

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