How do you tell if a Pokémon is 100 IV before catching it?

As an avid Pokémon GO trainer with over 5,000 catches, I‘ve developed an obsession (or addiction?) with scoring perfect 100% IV monsters. But with wild Pokémon IVs being completely hidden, how do you sniff out that prized hundo? Let this enthusiastic gamer guide you through the best methods!

Pokémon GO‘s Appraisal System

I‘ll start with the in-game appraisal feature added in 2016. After catching a Pokémon, enter its profile and tap "Appraise" for your team leader to give high-level feedback:

  • No stars = 0-49% IVs
  • 1 star = 50-64% IVs
  • 2 stars = 65-80% IVs
  • 3 orange stars = 82-98% IVs
  • 3 red stars = 100% IVs!

Easy right? It‘s handy for a general sense, but I thirst for precise values early on. Time for the secret goodies…

Overlay Apps – My True Obsession

Dedicated IV calculators like PokeGenie and CalcyIV changed the game for me. By overlaying your actual Pokémon‘s stats, they spit out exact IVs before throwing a single ball!

Here‘s a screenshot example:

As a numbers guy, I LIVE to see my target‘s IVs upfront. It lets me strategize to catch only the best and transfer the rest.

And get this: hundos have just a 0.0244% chance of spawning per Pokemon Go Hub. So overlay apps help me zero in on those NEEDLE-IN-A-HAYSTACK unicorns!

The Pros

  • Instant exact IV calculations
  • Easier to catch only high IV Pokémon
  • Save inventory space from unwanted catches

The Cons

  • Apps must process each new Pokémon
  • Minor battery drain
  • Potential privacy concerns

For me, the pros easily outweigh those cons for my 100% IV hunting sprees!

Limited Time Encounters

Research tasks, raids, eggs, and trades have set IV floors, making 3 stars a guaranteed hundo!

Encounter TypeIV FloorOdds of 100%
Research Tasks10/10/101 in 216
Raid Bosses10/10/101 in 216
Eggs10/10/101 in 216
Lucky Trades12/12/121 in 64

So raid events are like IV heaven for me! Here‘s the beast that fulfilled my hundo Mewtwo dream:

Glory to the IV lord Arceus! May the hundred chances be ever in your favor, fellow trainers!

I‘m thinking of starting a "Hundos Club" local group for those passionate about IV perfection. Would love to hear your appraisal stories!

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