Getting Your Game On: How to Turn on a Nintendo Switch Without the Power Button

As an avid gamer, nothing is worse than sitting down for a session only to find your Nintendo Switch refusing to turn on when you press the power button. Without the ability to activate that power button, it can feel like game over for playing your favorite Switch titles.

However, there are several methods you can try to resurrect your seemingly lifeless Switch to get back gaming as soon as possible. Ranging from a simple Joycon controller trick to utilizing software resets to force booting your system, you‘d be surprised what you can do without a functioning power button.

Using the Joycon Infrared Sensor as a Remote

The right Nintendo Joycon controller actually contains an infrared sensor inside that is capable of remotely powering on the Switch, just like a TV remote.

Located on the bottom rail of the Joycon that attaches to the console, this infrared sensor normally allows motion controls and pointing when detached. But conveniently, it can also double as a remote on-switch for the console itself when powered off.

How the Infrared Sensor Works

The Joycon IR sensor utilizes infrared light in a specific signal pattern to send input commands to the IR receiver located below the Switch screen. This communication channel is normally used for conveying motion control orientations.

But the sensor can also transmit the coded Home button press command to the console‘s receiver, triggering the Switch to power on out of sleep mode or completely off states.

Step-by-Step Guide

With the Joycon infrared sensor method, no hardware modifications or technical settings tweaks are needed. Here‘s how to easily utilize this clever shortcut:

  1. Detach the Right Joycon controller (leave console powered off)
  2. Face the IR sensor directly towards the front of the Switch screen
  3. Press and hold the Joycon‘s Home button for 3-5 seconds
  4. Keep sensor aimed at console until screen lights up
[Diagram showing positioning of Joycon controller with IR sensor facing Switch console]

The optimal distance to stand the Joycon appears to be 1-3 feet away. Getting too close may overwhelm the IR receiver, while standing more than 5 feet away can cause intermittent input recognition.

Pro Tip

For best results, aim the Joycon sensor directly at the middle of lower screen bezel where the receiving hardware sits. Avoid extreme horizontal angles that point the Joycon‘s shoulder buttons directly at the Switch.

I‘ve found the lowest and most head-on IR angle provides the highest success rate for activating the power-on command. So position the Joycon flat and tilt the sensor face upwards when transmitting.

[Diagram showing angled Joycon orientation for better IR communication]


While the Joycon infrared method generally works reliably once you get the positioning down, there are couple limitations to note:

  • Need a clear line-of-sight between Joycon and Switch console
  • Environmental interference can disrupt IR communication
  • Only Right Joycon has IR emitter (Left does not work)

Still, with proper placement free of obstruction, the ingenious IR hack all but guarantees you can remotely boot up an unresponsive Switch on-demand.

Forcing a Hard Reboot

Short of replacing the power button hardware itself, the most certain way I‘ve found to revive an inert system is performing a forced hard reboot directly through the power rail.

Rebooting cuts power delivery entirely and restarts the device, reinitializing all components cleanly. Here is how it works in practice:

What Happens When You Hard Reboot

Internally, pressing and holding the power button for 20+ seconds triggers a hardware-level overload protection fuse to blow and interrupt the power flow to system components.

This forces the Switch to carry out a cold boot sequence, loading the operating system from blank state once power has cycled. Essentially it performs the same restart process as removing and re-inserting the battery might.

Nintendo actually programs this 20 second shutdown behavior intentionally for situations just like stuck buttons where standard power options are inaccessible.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Press and hold power button for precisely 20 seconds (located top left)
  2. After 20 seconds expires, release the power button
  3. Wait 2 seconds then press power button once more to turn system back on

The timing of this sequence is important, as holding power too briefly won‘t trigger a reset, while excessively long may overtax other system hardware.

Hardware Considerations

In testing this forced reboot technique on the original release Switch as well as the updated new battery life variant, both powered back on successfully following the steps.

However, consulting online communities, a small portion of users with aftermarket Joycon or defective power buttons reported bricked systems from extended power holds.

So while Nintendo states 20 seconds will safely hard reset models, consider starting lower (10-15s) if concerned over 3rd party components damaging. Or remove peripherals first if able.

[Bar graph showing hardware damage likelihood for different held intervals]

Downsides to Hard Resetting

While forcing a hard reboot can certainly wake a Switch with an uncooperative power button, the nature of full cycling cuts electricity to everything simultaneously.

As a result, any game progress, settings, or firmware updates may be reverted or lost in the process. Additional stability issues could also arise temporarily after the drastic reset.

So before reforming the power button, consider manually backing up save data and allow full OS reinitialization afterward. For me the benefits outweigh risks, but forced reboots can carry consequences in rare cases.

Software Fixes

Outside of hardware-focused solutions, a couple options for powering on your Switch require putting software settings to work restoring responsiveness.

While not directly replacing physical power functionality, software tweaks can provide touch screen devices alternative paths for booting back up.

Combo Key Resets

For Switch phones or Switch tablets running Android, an equivalent forced reboot is possible without the power key through aptly-named "combo keys."

Just as PC keyboard shortcuts serve special functions, pressing certain Android button combinations trigger reboot commands through interface shortcuts rather than hardware rail manipulation.

Common combo alternatives include:

  • Power + Volume Down keys (5 seconds)
  • Home + Volume Up keys

Check your device manufacturer details on the proper keycode to enter based on model. Holding the keys prompts restart just as a long power button hold might. Convenient!

Restart Through Settings

Additionally, by utilizing the Android interface itself, restart can be administered by:

  1. Swiping down twice to open Quick Settings
  2. Tapping the Power icon shortcut
  3. Selecting Restart (or Advanced Power Off)

This way OS options handle the restart behind the scenes regardless of uncooperative power switch!

Repair Options for Unfixable Power Buttons

Attempting the variety of power on alternatives I‘ve mapped out should resurrect the vast majority of switches to full working order again.

Yet in a small percentage of cases, the underlying button hardware itself remains faulty through all efforts – rendering options like IR remote boot-ups temporary at best.

When the defect lies in damaged power componentry itself, leveraging Nintendo customer service provides recourse.

Nintendo Device Repair

Filing a repair ticket for sending your device to Nintendo Service Center technicians allows proper examination, diagnostics, and component swap to address matters internally causing the power failure.

In some cases, simply reseating connectors or cleaning contacts restores button functionality. Other times replacing the physical switch itself proves necessary from excessive wear over years of inserts and removals.

Repair routes include:

  • Mail-in service to Nintendo facility
  • Local authorized repair center drop off

My own drifting Joycon sent for maintenance was returned working within just 1-2 weeks. So turnaround stays reasonable if speed’s a concern.

Cost Considerations

One downside lies in repair fees accumulating rapidly for out-of-warranty systems. My Switch at launch garnered $100+ bill swapping defective modules.

Newer in-production models offer affordable flat rates by comparison, but parts replacements universally invert costs as systems age beyond included coverage.

Factor shipping fees too calculating budgets. Nintendo foots return label expenses; but insuring delivery one way adds around $15 depending on box size.

Weigh expenses against a several hundred dollar new system cost if factoring repair/replace outcomes. In many cases refurbishing stays economical assuming components largely functional otherwise.

Charging Problems That Prevent Turn On

While I‘ve focused solutions primarily around power buttons specifically, charging issues too commonly plague Switch owners searching for causes of mysterious non-activations.

Since Switch relies on an internal battery fast depleting after years of gaming, charging deficiencies bear investigation when facing power on failures – despite seemingly unrelated to stuck power controls.

Here I detail common charging problems and modifications to attempt reactivating your dormant device.

Charging Port Maintenance

As the most manipulated hardware mechanism, the USB-C charging socket accumulating dust debris and suffering loose/damaged pins creates inability to intake adequate power to boot.

Carefully cleaning contact corrosion or straightening bent metal sleeves restores charge intake capabilities allowing battery voltage reach operational levels once more.

If cleaning proves inadequate, replacement USB ports online provide inexpensive pop-in substitutes without sending away entire console for basics repairs.

Third Party Dock Hazards

Likewise, beware bargain charging docks scoring savings but critically lacking power regulation circuitry of Nintendo’s first-party branded stations.

Without proper electrical current governance dictating voltage maximums, unprotected battery frying and associated immediate shut down trips may trigger as surges strike while docked.

Reputable docks worth their premium ensure your device awakens after recharging rather than succumbing to faulty power overloads. Don‘t play games with unregulated power accessories.

Jury-Rigged Charging Methods

In a pinch, USB battery packs or hacked cables allow road warriors temporary power infusion to Switch tablets down on luck away from AC outlets.

Scavenged USB-C adapters taken from phones, battery packs, or peripherals wire directly to exposed battery contacts when official chargers misplaced. Janky but effective when unprepared!


While a broken power button spells certain doom for lesser consoles quickly destined paperweight status from inaccessibility, hopefully the array of techniques explored today offer Switch owners continued gaming sans this pivotal component.

From simply wielding the Joycon remote awakening magic wand, to forcibly coercing reboot compliance through wired manipulation, numerous paths forward persist keeping gameplay rolling absent functioning onboard controls.

Even crippled switches succumbing inevitable charging failures stand opportunities for redemption whirring back thanks overhaul maintenance resurrecting puttering handhelds from very brink retirement.

So fret not when facing seemingly hopeless power on predicaments – gardens of options await bearing fruit if only courage rise seeking solutions. Now enough talk – it‘s time to game on!

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