How do you type ditto

As gamers and content creators, we‘re all about efficiency. And what‘s more efficient than the trusty old ditto symbol " when making lists and guides? No need to retype the same item over and over again – just slap a ditto mark under it and you‘re good to go!

But don‘t fret if you don‘t know how to type this legendary punctuation on your keyboard. I‘ve got you covered with this complete guide to unlocking the ditto mark secrets! Let‘s dive in.

Origins of the Mysterious Ditto Symbol

Before we learn how to type it, let‘s briefly touch on where this enigmatic symbol came from. Ditto marks have been used in informal writing and record-keeping since the early 1600s. The word "ditto" evolved from the Italian phrase "detto" meaning "said". So ditto basically means "the same thing again".

Over centuries of use, its representation has morphed into the double quotation mark we know today. So whenever you needed to repeat a word or phrase, instead of writing it out laboriously, you could simply use a ditto symbol to save time and space!

When Gamers Use Ditto Marks

As gamers and gaming content creators, we often find ourselves making lists. Quest item checklists, loot drop tables, skill tree breakdowns – the use cases are endless. And ditto marks come in handy to avoid repeating the same entries over and over again!

For example, check out this quick item list:

ItemBuy PriceSell Price
Health Potion$5$2
Mana Potion$5"

See how the ditto symbol replaces having to type "$2" again? This saves a ton of time when making lists with repetitive elements!

Now that we‘ve seen an example of why this symbol is so useful for gamers, let‘s get into the meaty stuff: how in the world do you actually type it?

Windows and Linux: Unlock Ditto Marks with Alt Codes

On Windows computers and Linux systems, you can type ditto marks by using Alt codes. These are special numeric codes that you enter while holding down the Alt key to insert symbols.

Specifically, here is what you need to do:

  1. Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard

  2. While still holding Alt, type in the ditto symbol‘s Alt code on your numeric keypad: 12291

  3. Release Alt, and voila! The ditto mark magically appears as if you just cast a summoning spell! 🧙‍♂️

You HAVE to use the numeric keypad region on the right side of your keyboard for Alt codes. The row of numbers along the top won‘t work!

Ditto Alt Code being typed on a Windows Numeric Keypad

See how you hold down Alt, input 12291, then get your desired symbol? Give it a shot yourself!

Mac: Opt + Shift + Alt Code Combo Unlocks Ditto

For Mac users, the process is slightly more intricate, but still very doable! Rather than just Alt, you‘ll need an Opt + Shift + Alt Code combo.


  1. Press and hold Option (Alt) key

  2. Also press and hold Shift

  3. While holding BOTH of those keys down, type in 12291 on your keypad

  4. Release all keys, and the ditto symbol will appear!

It may take a bit of finger gymnastics to press multiple keys together. But pull off the combo successfully and you‘ll be cranking out ditto marks on your Mac like a pro!

What Are Alt Codes?

For those wondering what exactly Alt codes are about – basically, they are numeric codes that you can use to type special characters not easily found on your keyboard.

By holding down Alt and inputting the sequence on your keypad, you trigger the computer to insert the assigned symbol or punctuation mark.

So Alt + 12291 just happens to correspond to the ditto symbol specifically. There are hundreds of Alt codes out there for various symbols – give ‘em a look when you have time!

Compare Ditto Marks Across Operating Systems

One thing to note is that the appearance of ditto symbols can vary slightly depending on your operating system and font. But at the core, it will generally always look like a right double quotation mark ".

Let‘s compare ditto marks across some popular operating systems:

Ditto Symbol Appearance Comparison across Windows, Mac, and Linux

As you can see, while the basics are the same, subtle differences exist. But ultimately, any right-leaning double quote that made you go "Yup, that‘s a ditto symbol!" is doing its job correctly!

When Ditto Marks Come in Clutch

As gamers and content creators, we often find ourselves making guides, documentation, spreadsheets and other reference material viewed by the public. Clear communication and easy readability is critical.

And there‘s no better tool for avoiding repetitive text than our friend the ditto symbol! By mastering the simple ALT code combos above, you can gain this vital addition to your typing toolkit.

So next time you‘re crafting a stat table, quest log or loot guide, put those new ditto typing skills to use! Your future self will thank you when you finish that comprehensive gameplay guide in half the time thanks to liberal use of this clever punctuation mark.

The ditto symbol may seem small, but it packs a mighty punch when it comes to speeding up your game content creation process. Unlock its potential today!

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