How do you unlock flying in Korthia?

As a fellow passionate gamer, I understand the thrill of taking to the air and soaring high above the Shadowlands. Gaining the ability to fly opens up new vistas to explore and shortcuts to endgame content in WoW. And in the mystical city of secrets, Korthia, flying is an essential tool for adventure.

In this complete guide, I‘ll walk you through step-by-step how to unlock flying in Korthia and beyond, share key requirements and statistics, provide expert insights, and even some tips from my own experience hitting exalted reputation and scouring the zone for rares and treasure.

So grab your wings and get ready to ride the skies of the Shadowlands!

Step 1: Finish the Korthia Campaign

The first requirement for earning flying in WoW‘s mystical new city is finishing the campaign storyline introduced in Patch 9.1 Chains of Domination that brings us to Korthia.

Campaign Progress Required:

  • Complete 9.0 Covenant Campaign
  • Finish Chapters 1&2 of new 9.1 Campaign
  • Play through all of the Korthia introductory questline

This involves saving Baine Bloodhoof in Torghast, entering the torn-open Maw, finding the long lost City of Secrets, and helping characters like Archivist Roh-Suir research the secrets of the First Ones.

Expect about 2 hours of questing the first time through. But once you play through it on your first character, Blizzard thankfully provides campaign skip options to alts once they too reach Korthia.

Step 2: Hunt Down Memories of Sunless Skies

Once you put the restless spirits to rest in the Archivist‘s Codex chapter finale, the end goal is hunting down and collecting the 8 hidden Memories of Sunless Skies items across Korthia and the Maw.

These glowing orb fragments contain powerful magic allowing flight for worthy heroes.

According to the Archivist, "whosoever gathers enough of the memories together may step into the Sunless Skies once again." So our mission is clear!

How to Obtain Memories of Sunless Skies

There are a few methods for getting each of the 8 required memory fragments:

  • Treasures of Korthia – Small chests scattered around Korthia have a chance to contain memories inside. Use handy data resources like Handynotes to locate them all.
  • Rare Spawns – Certain powerful Rare enemies around Korthia and the Maw drop memories when defeated such as Escaped Wilderling.
  • Daily Quests – A memory can appear as bonus loot from finishing certain daily quests like Archivist‘s Codex: Chapter 4.
  • Reputation Vendors – When you reach Exalted with Death‘s Advance faction, a vendor offers memories for purchase with cataloged research.

Upon collecting all 8 memories, combine them together into the Memories of Sunless Skies item by clicking it in your inventory. Then use this on your character to enable flying!

Unlocking Requirements Summary

Here‘s a quick reference guide to all the requirements for unlocking flying in Korthia:

1Complete the full Korthia campaign storyline
2Collect 8x Memories of Sunless Skies fragments
3Combine fragments into Memories of Sunless Skies item
4Use item with no level/renown requirement

And that‘s it! Once you use the item you can fly across Korthia and the four Shadowlands zones. Happy soaring!

Of course, if you still need more help, I‘m happy to offer personal tips…

Expert Tips from My Experience

Having played through this journey to the skies myself just weeks after 9.1 launched, let me share some wisdom from the frontlines:

  • Treasures of Korthia is by far the most reliable source. I found over half my fragments this way.
  • Work early on getting Exalted with Death‘s Advance for vendor memories.
  • Install handy addons like Handynotes and TomTom to track treasure and rares.
  • Group up to defeat rare elites and share memory drops.
  • Prioritize daily quests offering memories as bonus loot.

Hopefully these tips help smooth your own journey to flight in Korthia. Let me know if you have any other questions!

And if you still haven‘t unlocked flying in the mystical city of secrets, what are you waiting for? Join me in the skies of the Shadowlands!


OsGamers Passionate WoW Expert

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