The Definitive Guide to Unlocking Rambo in Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I could not be more hyped that iconic 80s action hero John Rambo is coming to Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate! This guide will walk you through everything needed to unlock Rambo as a fully playable DLC fighter.

Purchase Kombat Pack 2 for Best Value

The easiest way to unlock Rambo is by purchasing the Kombat Pack 2 DLC bundle. This adds 4 new fighters to MK11 Ultimate‘s roster:

  • Mileena
  • Rain
  • Rambo
  • Surprise fighter TBA

At only $14.99, Kombat Pack 2 gives you the best value for unlocking Rambo and other highly anticipated returning characters. You save money compared to buying each fighter individually.

I highly recommend this method unless Rambo is literally the only DLC character you want.

Buy Rambo Individually If Preferred

You can also unlock Rambo solo by purchasing him as individual DLC for $5.99. However, you won‘t get any of the other 3 Kombat Pack 2 fighters.

As a gamer focused on value, I don‘t feel Rambo is worth $6 by himself. But if you only like Rambo and none of the other DLC, then buying him individually lets you skip the others.

Rambo‘s Signature Variation Styles

Once purchased and unlocked, Rambo has 3 badass combat variations echoing different aspects of his cinematic skills:

Last Blood

Channel‘s Rambo‘s brutality from the infamous movie sequel, rigging stages with deadly traps and dominating up-close with steel kali sticks clubs. Perfect for slowly demolishing enemies through painful attrition.

Black Ops

Embodies Rambo‘s Special Forces training with aggressive military-grade combos, grapples and gadgets. Close-quarters commando fighting spirit.


Allows you to tactically strike enemies from a distance with Rambo‘s wilderness hunting skills and precision bow attacks. Plus retain health and withstand damage thanks to survival knowledge.

Passionate Fan Anticipation

In online Mortal Kombat communities, Rambo consistently ranks among the most hyped DLC fighters ever added. Fans eagerly await unleashing his explosive one-man army spirit upon the roster.

Reactions to leaked gameplay footage are also positive so far – Rambo‘s variation mechanics seem perfectly suited to Mortal Kombat‘s visceral combat flow. Players are responding well to his mixture of human vulnerability yet hardcore toughness.

I believe Rambo upholds MK‘s tradition of featuring legendary guest stars delighting fans, like Terminator and Robocop. As an iconic 80s action hero who defined the genre, Rambo promises to be a formidable warrior battler.

Unlocking Rambo Summary

In summary, here‘s everything you need to unlock John Rambo in MK11 Ultimate:

  • Buy Kombat Pack 2 DLC (best value)
  • Or purchase Rambo individually
  • Immediately playable afterwards
  • Select one of his unique combat styles
  • Wreak havoc on the roster as this cinematic one-man army!

I‘ll be unlocking Rambo on day one and cannot wait. Let me know your thoughts once you unlock him too! Which variation do you think best captures Rambo‘s classic skills from the movies? Personally, I‘m all about the brutal, no-holds-barred Last Blood kali sticks and traps!

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