How to Dominate Last Man Standing Matches in WWE 2K22

As an avid WWE 2K player with over 100 hours spent competing in Last Man Standing matches, I‘ve picked up many high-level tips for demolishing opponents in this intense game mode. Through extensive testing and researching gameplay mechanics, I‘m ready to share advanced strategies so you can stand tall as the last competitor left conscious!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Last Man Standing Rules and Meta
  • Choosing the Optimal Wrestler and Moveset
  • Zoning and Environmental Tactics
  • Targeting and Comboing for Maximum Damage
  • Countering Enemy Comebacks and Saving Stamina
  • Match Customization and Difficulty Settings

Understanding Last Man Standing Rules and Meta

Let‘s start by ensuring you know the basic rules:

  • Victory condition is knocking opponent down for 10 count
  • No pinfalls, submissions, DQs or countouts
  • Weapons are legal and fighting locations unlimited
  • Match ends when one wrestler can‘t beat ref‘s count

But there are some underlying gameplay elements that impact the meta:

  • Health regeneration is very slow during matches
  • Adrenaline pays off huge for momentum shifts
  • Weapon attacks bypass reversals and deal massive damage

So the keys become damaging opponents irreversibly, surviving burst assaults by regaining health smartly during downtime, and unleashing finisher attacks at critical moments to decisively win before the ref counts 10.

Choosing the Optimal Wrestler and Moveset

While any fighter is viable, some base stats and attribute distributions make lasting until the 10 count easier:

RoleKey StatsBest Superstars
BrawlerHigh health, good strikesRoman Reigns, Drew McIntyre
GiantPower moves, hard to stunAndre the Giant, Big Show
TechnicianBalanced offense/defenseSeth Rollins, AJ Styles
High FlyerRiskier but high damageRey Mysterio, Montez Ford

I prefer technician wrestlers for their versatility. Brawlers also sustain damage well despite slower movesets.

Prioritize upgrading strike attacks and focus on specials that keep opponents prone and stunned. High risk acrobatics aren‘t essential. Stock weapons like chairs and kendo sticks for frequent bursting.

Zoning and Environmental Tactics

Strip away health safely by controlling distance and abusing the environment:

  • Kite backwards while landing ranged attacks
  • Evade charges by rolling out of the ring
  • Slam foes onto barricades, steel steps, announcer tables
  • Limit their recovery time between assaults

Beware over-pursuing into corners or up ramps. Stick to open areas that allow disengaging.

Once you‘ve done irreparable damage through zoning, move in carefully for knockdown blows.

Targeting and Comboing for Maximum Damage

When an enemy is reeling, quickly follow up using:

  • Strikes combos against groggy foes
  • Grapples and throws to circumvent resilience
  • Finishers if you have full adrenaline
  • Weapons for burst and disabling potential

Ideally combine these for highly-damaging sequences:

Sample Combos
| Attack 1 | Attack 2 | Attack 3 |
Sledgehammer shot | Front grapple | Running bulldog
Release powerbomb | Steel chair shots | Spear through barricade
Sweet chin music | Kendo stick strikes | Pedigree

Timing these coordinated assaults to capitalize on every vulnerable moment is essential. Think rock band drum fills during a guitar solo!

Countering Enemy Comebacks and Saving Stamina

While on offense, remember that Last Man Standing is an endurance round. To go the distance:

  • Dodge or counter signature moves using stored reversals
  • Escape weapons lockups immediately
  • Let stamina regenerate fully during opponent taunts
  • Heal damage with heal/buff abilities when available

Carefully using finishers, weapons and acrobatics only when guaranteed to hit preserves vitality for sustaining attacks across long fights.

Beware foes also regenerating health at critical moments!

Match Customization Settings and Difficulty

Under match rules and AI options, you can tweak settings to make last standing harder or easier:

Increasing Difficulty

  • Accelerate referee 10 count speed
  • Limit health regen amount
  • Enable resiliency and stored finishers
  • Make AI more aggressive

Decreasing Difficulty

  • Start with buff enhancements active
  • Increase adrenaline generation
  • Add more available weapons
  • Make AI less reversal prone

Finding the right balance that still poses a fun challenge is key.


Ultimately, winning Last Man Standing bouts requires playing tactically – leverage your moveset, surroundings and weapons for strong opening damage, survive sporadic enemy assaults when needed, then capitalize on vulnerabilities to overwhelm before the ten count completes!

What other key tips have you relied on? I‘m eager to keep improving, so please share any special tricks I missed! Now get out there and show what it takes to be the Last One Standing!

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