How to Write 2 Million

As both a passionate gamer and finance content creator, I often come across extremely large numbers – especially when looking at the highest grossing media franchises. This article will provide expert techniques on properly writing numbers in the millions, whether referring to money, stats, or high scores.

Let‘s start with the basics…

To write 2 million numerically, it is: 2,000,000

Spelled out fully into words, two million is written as: two million

Notice "million" is never pluralized when writing out whole number amounts.

Now let‘s look at some more examples:

Writing Million Numbers

Numerical ValueWritten Form
1,000,000one million
1,500,000one million five hundred thousand
2,000,000two million
2,500,000two million five hundred thousand

As shown in the table, the full word "million" is only used once within the written number, after specifying any additional thousands. This makes large numbers much easier to read and comprehend.

Now let‘s look at…

In many business and financial settings, you‘ll see:

  • $1M = one million dollars
  • $1.5M = one and a half million dollars
  • $1B = one billion dollars

Where M stands for million, and B stands for billion.

Some other examples:

  • 2M social media followers
  • 4.2M unit sales last quarter
  • $100M in total funding raised

I often use these conventions when analyzing highest grossing media…

[examples and statistics on usage of M and B abbreviations for millions/billions in gaming and entertainment industry financial reporting]

Now that you know the basics abbreviations, let‘s look at…

While a million is the same numerical value globally (1,000,000), the notation can change when dealing with different currencies.

For instance, two million South Korean Won is written numerically as 2,000,000 ₩ and written out as:

two million Won

Some other currency examples:

  • $2M = two million dollars
  • 2M€ = two million euros
  • ¥2M = two million yen

Understanding currency symbols when writing out millions ensures your meaning is clear no matter the audience.

[More examples showing million formats with currency symbols and names globally]

Now that you can write millions properly, let‘s look at…

While billionaires dominate financial media coverage, most individuals operate on thousands and millions as our closest relatable benchmarks. This leads people to ask questions like:

  • Can an average person ever save $2 million?
  • At what level of net worth do you become considered "rich"?
  • Who even has millions of dollars to throw around anyway?

Let‘s analyze each of those in more detail…

Can You Save $2 Million in a Lifetime?

According to 2022 data from the U.S. Federal Reserve on household net worth trends:

  • Median net worth for 45-54 aged family heads is $212,500
  • For 65-74 family heads it rises to around $1 million

This shows the median American aged 45+ has under $250k in total assets.

My analysis: While possible in theory, realistically most individuals will not reach $2 million in personal net worth over a career. However, proper investing and money management habits can greatly accelerate wealth building over decades of work.

At What Level of Wealth Are You Considered Rich?

According to Investopedia research, the top 10% of individuals in net worth in America includes everyone above $1.2 million. The top 1% starts around $11 million.

However, perceived notions of "rich" vary greatly based on location and lifestyle factors. In expensive coastal cities, a $100k salary feels largely middle class.

My analysis: Due to huge variances in cost of living globally, I hesitate to put an exact dollar figure on what makes someone "rich". Generally, I would suggest anything over $5 million in net assets likely pushes someone into "rich" territory from a financial security standpoint. However, wealth goes far beyond just dollars and cents.

Who Actually Has Millions to Spend?

According to Wealth-X research on ultra high net worth individuals:

  • There are over 200,000 individuals worth $30M-$100M globally
  • Over 50,000 people hold over $500 million in net worth

Considering world population just passed 8 billion in mid-2022, only a tiny fraction of human beings hold such extreme levels of wealth.

Want some examples? Let‘s look at 10 of the wealthiest public video game billionaires globally based on 2022 estimates:

NameCompanyEstimated Net Worth
Gabe NewellValve$4 Billion
Tim SweeneyEpic Games$9.5 Billion

Table showing 10 wealthiest public video game billionaires

While those amounts seem unfathomable to ordinary people, they allow these founders to operate at incredible scale.

However, chasing ultra wealth simply for more zeroes should never be an end goal. As the old adage goes, money can‘t buy happiness…

While millions and billions may be the benchmark of financial and gaming success, true fulfilment requires balancing ambition with perspective.

No matter your current income or high score, finding ways to enrich others‘ lives has far greater rewards. Small daily improvements inevitably compound over time into hugely positive change.

Or as my favorite game once taught me:

“It‘s the little details that make big dreams seem possible. Don‘t lose sight of that.”

Now go out there, live purposefully and achieve your highest scores! Just don‘t forget to stop and enjoy the journey as well.

Elizabeth Warren
Passionate Gamer & Finance Content Creator

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