How Does a 7 Leg Parlay Work? This Passionate Gamer Breaks It Down

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the gaming community, one question I get asked a lot is: how does a 7 leg parlay work?

In simple terms, a parlay is a single bet that combines multiple wagers on different games or events. To win the parlay, you need to get all of those bets – or "legs" – correct. Mess up just one, and the whole parlay is toast.

So for a 7 leg parlay, you‘re combining 7 bets across 7 separate games or events into one tidy bundle. Hit all 7 perfectly, and you‘ve got yourself a winning ticket! But as you add more legs, the degree of difficulty rises exponentially.

Let me throw some real numbers at you to illustrate the odds here:

Number of LegsApprox. Odds to WinPayout on $100 Bet
213 to 5$260
555 to 1$5,500
7375 to 1$37,500
10Over 2,500 to 1Over $250,000

So as you go from 2 legs to 7 legs, those odds balloon from around 13 to 5 (a $100 bet pays $260) to a whopping 375 to 1 (turning $100 into $37,500!).

To put those 7 leg odds into perspective, you actually have a better chance of:

  • Getting struck by lightning in your lifetime (approx. 500 to 1)
  • Getting a hole in one in golf (approx. 5,000 to 1)

Than nailing all 7 legs on a parlay! So while the big potential payouts are tantalizing, successfully predicting 7 games correctly is no easy feat even for us passionate gambling fanatics.

Choose Your 7 Teams Wisely

Randomly throwing darts at a wall to pick parlay legs won‘t cut it if you want any realistic shot to win. The key is finding bets where the outcomes have some positive correlation.

Examples are taking:

  • Two top-seeded basketball teams expected to make deep tournament runs
  • Three football favorites expected to dominate inferior opponents
  • Backing a hot pitcher to record a win and strikeout prop

Contrast those with negatively correlated parlays like:

  • Heavy favorite and huge underdog in the same game
  • Baseball pitcher to record the win AND game to go over

I‘ll share a little industry secret – game outcomes aren‘t completely independent events. There are plenty of trends and statistical angles to give yourself an edge if you do your research.

As a real-world example, here was a 7-leg parlay I put together last NFL season that ended up being successful:

New England Patriots (-7 spread) vs. New York Jets
Kansas City Chiefs (-10.5 spread) vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
Los Angeles Rams (-3 spread) vs. Arizona Cardinals
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-9.5 spread) vs. Carolina Panthers
Dallas Cowboys vs. Philadelphia Eagles OVER 43 total points scored
Buffalo Bills (-11 spread) vs. Miami Dolphins
Baltimore Ravens (-6 spread) vs. Cleveland Browns

In this case, I targeted games with larger spreads and totals to build in that correlated margin of safety across all 7 legs. I also sprinkled in divisional matchups with a history of high scores.

Apply similar logic, and you can shift those 375 to 1 odds a little more in your favor!

Don‘t Let Parlays Bust Your Bankroll

Wagering on parlays can be tons of fun for us gamers when we get on a winning run. But speaking from painful experience – chasing losses by throwing large chunks of your bankroll can spell disaster long-term.

Some tips here:

  • Bet small – I aim for 2-3% of my total bankroll per parlay
  • Expect to lose more than you win
  • Use responsible money management
  • Don‘t sacrifice entertainment value

I vividly remember one rough NFL Sunday where I had a 7-leg parlay cooked up: four big spread favorites, two high-scoring overs, and a "lock" of a moneyline pick by our crew.

Five hit…looking like an absolute genius! Then in the 4 pm games, two backups scored garbage time touchdowns to lose me not one but both of my over/under totals. Pure heartbreak – which is par for the course with these tantalizing multi-leg bets.

But by following the bankroll tips above, I lived to fight another day rather than rage betting my entire roll chasing losses on tilt.

History of Big 7+ Leg Parlay Scores

While 7 perfectly predicted game outcomes might seem unlikely, some bold gamblers have pulled off the unthinkable and taken bookmakers to the cleaners with these long odds wagers:

  • 1991: Bettor Bill Morgan had a record-setting 24 team parlay win him over $700K in British Pounds from a single £30 bet during an epic hot streak. After a trio of other wins, he ended up with over £1 million in total takedown request

according to

  • 2011: Anonymous Las Vegas gambler won $1.3 million on a 16-team parlay with over $2.3 million odds takedown request

according to

  • 2015: Newcomer bettor Tayla Polia triggered a 20,000 to 1 longshot 15 team NFL parlay to turn $5 into just over $100K

takedown request

according to

So there you have it friends – the inside scoop on how these risky yet wildly entertaining 7+ leg parlays work! While the odds are indeed stacked against us, with some smarts and discipline, we can master multi-leg betting as part of a balanced gaming lifestyle.

Let me know in the comments your craziest parlay stories – whether big wins or bad beats! And be sure to SMASH that subscribe button for more sweet gambling content coming your way!

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