How Does Ezio Say "Rest in Peace"?

The smooth-talking Italian assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze bids slain targets farewell with the Latin phrase "Requiescat in pace", meaning "Rest in peace". This poetic send-off has become Ezio‘s signature calling card, cementing his status as a gaming icon. But what are the origins and significance behind the master assassin‘s famous last words?

A Catchphrase is Born

Ezio was first introduced in Assassin‘s Creed II, quickly winning fans over with his charisma, blade prowess, and of course, his flair for the dramatics. Throughout Ezio‘s trilogy of games, players can expect to hear him solemnly whisper "Requiescat in pace" after completing an assassination.

This uniquely solemn ritual serves several purposes:

  • It acknowledges the humanity in each target after their passing
  • Recalls Ezio‘s own Catholic upbringing and identity
  • Adds a touch of poignancy to offset the violence
  • Became a signature sign-off cementing his popularity

Indeed, few video game catchphrases have remained so fresh over multiple sequels and generations the way "Requiescat in pace" has.

Behind the Meaning

For those whose Latin is a bit rusty, "Requiescat in pace" directly translates to "Rest in peace" in English. The phrase has its origins in old Catholic funeral rites, where prayers for the dead were offered in its full form:

"Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescat in pace."

Which means:

"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace."

By reciting this over his freshly slain victims, Ezio brings solemn funeral rites to otherwise bloody assaults. Perhaps it helps him reconcile his Catholic faith with the violence incumbent on an assassin sworn to serve the greater good at any cost.

Last Rites for Last Breaths

In death, Ezio‘s targets may have their misguided motives and deeds redeemed through absolution and prayer. It‘s eyebrow-raising to consider one of gaming‘s deadliest assassins taking time to administer last rites to those he cuts down.

But these small acts of mercy remind players that every life, both friend and foe, ultimately ends up equal in death. As the Book of Common Prayer says:

“…earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life.”

Perhaps Ezio‘s greatest power is acknowledging the humanity in all people and choosing compassion through forgiveness. These poignant words allow Ezio‘s enemies to find some redemption, comfort, or closure in their final moments.

Signature Send-Off Secures Legacy

Ezio’s calling card directly references his Catholic roots. This nod helps flesh his character out amidst the cloak-and-dagger theatrics. The phrase strikes a delicate balance between severity and sympathy that keeps players captivated through years of sequels.

Requiescat in pace adds intrigue and a somber poetry to the act of death itself. Ezio may be gaming’s most dashing and prolific killer, but his respect for the slain speaks measures of his soul. That poignant mixture of manners and murder helped cocktail Assassin’s Creed II into historians’ shortlist for finest games ever made.

Many have imitated Ezio’s style, but none can replicate his substance. Much like the iconic assassin himself, Requiescat in pace proves unmatched and unforgettable. For over a decade those three words have borne the weight of countless last gasps. May all those slain by Ezio’s creed rest eternally now that their chapter closes.

Requiescat in pace indeed, legendary assassino.

By the Numbers: Ezio‘s Prolific Slayings

Over his trilogy of swashbuckling adventures spanning decades in-game, Ezio deals death to hundreds of foes. Here‘s a numerical breakdown of his prolific assassinations:

  • 68 main assassination targets met their end at Ezio‘s Hidden Blade, not counting all ancillary kills and combat deaths. His body count beats out all other assassins in the franchise‘s history.

  • That‘s approximately 23 targets per game on average that Ezio hunts over the course of AC II, Brotherhood, and Revelations.

  • His final assassination victim is longtime nemesis Cesare Borgia, whom he throws off the walls of Viana Castle in 1507. Fitting closure after 27 in-game years of hunting Templars.

  • Ezio‘s killing career lasts almost half a century from his first target Uberto Alberti in 1476 through Cesare three decades later.

For context, here‘s how Ezio‘s assassinations stack up next to other iconic assassins in the games:

AssassinTotal Assassinations
Ezio Auditore68
Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad9
Connor Kenway5

No doubt about it, Ezio‘s proficiency and penchant for slaying Templars remains unmatched across the entirety of Assassin‘s Creed lore. Small wonder he‘s the fan favorite pick for most badass assassin overall.

Parting Words Seal a Gaming Legend‘s Legacy

Few gaming catchphrases have remained etched into pop culture memory quite like Ezio Auditore‘s iconic farewell. Uttered 68 times over years of covert missions, requiescat in pace seals slain targets‘ fates while hinting at Ezio‘s deeper hidden layers.

Between the sleek parkour, vicious stealth combat, and classic Italian charm, Ezio‘s saga created a template that‘s influenced gaming ever since. His charismatic blend of roguish wit and quiet compassion brought unmatched acclaim and awards over three landmark titles.

As Assassin‘s Creed‘s standard bearer, Ezio and his signature phrase demonstrate that memorable heroes require equal parts manners and murder. Years later gamers still fondly utter requiescat in pace in tribute to one of interactive entertainment’s most indelible icons.

So rest easy mighty Ezio. And to all the hapless guards, roaming rogues, conspiring cardinals and leaping legends touched by your legacy through the ages:

Requiescat in pace.

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