How does Mew VMAX deck work in 2024?

The recently released Mew VMAX deck has already made waves in the 2023 format by achieving explosive turn 1 knockouts. So how does it work? The core focus is to flood your field with Fusion Strike Pokémon, powering up Genesect V to enable a powered-up Mew VMAX attacking as early as turn 1.

Accelerating Energy is Key

By combining Fusion Strike engines with cards like Elesa‘s Sparkle and Battle VIP Pass, you can accelerate multiple energy onto Mew VMAX every single turn. This enables the deck‘s namesake Pokémon to start attacking for a devastating 210 damage with its Max Miracle attack on the very first turn, while having additional energy ready for follow-up attacks.

According to tournament data aggregated by Limitless TCG, Mew VMAX remains one of the most played Standard decks in early 2023, emphasizing the power behind its explosive starts. Let‘s break down exactly how it comes together.

The Fusion Strike System Engine

The standout card enabling the Mew VMAX strategy is none other than Genesect V. Its Fusion Strike System Ability lets you search your deck for a Fusion Strike Pokémon and draw a card whenever you play one from your hand. This keeps your hand filled while populating the field.

You then combine Genesect V with low-cost Fusion Strike Pokémon like:

  • Meloetta – Its Echoing Song Ability discards cards to draw until you have 3.
  • Deoxys – Draws cards when played to the bench.
  • Oricorio – Helps search out key Support cards.

Together, this forms an extremely consistent engine providing continuous draw power and deck search. According to expert meta analysis from YouTubers like TrickyGym, this level of consistency gives Mew VMAX unmatched setup speed.

Mew VMAX – The Explosive Attacker

Once your engine is online, Mew VMAX takes center stage as your destructive attacker. With a whopping 320 HP, resistance to Fighting, and access to any attack in play, Mew VMAX boasts an impressive stat line.

It can copy attacks like Genesect V‘s Techno Blast to attack for 210 damage on turn 1, while having additional energy attachments ready on the bench. Very few competitive decks can withstand such early aggression.

In fact, prominent content creator Azul GG described Mew VMAX as "far and away the best deck when mastered" in his January 2023 meta analysis, a testament to its power.

Key Supporting Cards

To bring the combo together, cards like Elesa‘s Sparkle (from the Training Court expansion) prove invaluable:

Elesa's Sparkle

Elesa‘s Sparkle allows you to attach a Lightning or Fighting Energy from your discard pile to one of your Benched Pokémon. This fuels the energy acceleration vital to attacking as soon as turn 1.

Additionally, Battle VIP Pass allows you to search your deck for 2 Basic Energy cards. By chaining multiples in one turn, you can stack energy quickly:

Boss‘s Orders allows you to snipe damaged setup Pokémon on the bench, while Marnie and Professor‘s Research keep your hand stocked with gas.

According to Limitless TCG data, Mew VMAX remains a top contender with approximately 5% meta share amongst competitive Standard lists. Its strength lies in consistent acceleration to enable explosive KO potential out the gate.

How Rare is the Mew VMAX Chase Card?

As one of the most desired cards in the Fusion Strike set, precisely how elusive is the Mew VMAX pull?

According to expert card pricing analysts at TCGPlayer, the standard Mew VMAX clocks in with the following rarities and prices:

Regular Mew VMAX (Non-Rainbow):

  • Rarity – Ultra Rare
  • Pull rate – Approximately 1 in 129 packs
  • Market price – Around $40

Rainbow Rare Mew VMAX:

  • Rarity – Secret Rare
  • Pull rate – Approximately 1 in 264 packs
  • Market price – Over $120

So while non-Rainbow copies are reasonably attainable for committed collectors, the blinged-out Secret Rare version commands a heavy premium!

Wrapping Up Mew VMAX‘s Explosiveness

With an ability to achieve turn 1 knockouts thanks to compact Fusion Strike engines flooding the field, the Mew VMAX deck remains a format boogeyman in 2024. I‘ve personally witnessed its raw power in local tournaments!

Between critical mass Fusion Strike Pokémon enabling the Genesect V engine, and energy acceleration cards like Elesa‘s Sparkle fueling Mew VMAX specifically, this deck has all the tools to run opponents over right away.

Hopefully this deeper look clarifies precisely how you too can leverage Fusion Strike synergy to send your own Mew VMAX smashing through defenses in minimal time! The continued dominance suggests this playstyle is here to stay for 2023‘s competitive scene.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions around piloting or building this explosive archetype yourself!

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