Mimikyu‘s Terrifying True Form – Gaming‘s Best Kept Secret

As an avid lifelong Pokémon fan and content creator, no Pokémon has kept me as endlessly fascinated yet filled with bone-chilling mystery as the adorable yet sinister Mimikyu. Its actual appearance underneath the tattered Pikachu outfit remains Pokémon‘s best kept secret – an official reveal of its true looks seems as doomed as trying to peek beneath its rag. What nightmarish form could drive those who glimpse it to sheer terror and shocking demise? As someone captivated by gaming secrets, I‘ve poured over any clues that may unveil the enigma that is Mimikyu‘s identity. While its appearance continues shrouded, fans have come up with creative and spine-tingling theories over the years on what Mimikyu‘s horrifying looks may entail. Join me as we unveil some of our best guesses, and what evidence points to the terrifying truth lurking under those beady yellow eyes.

Attempts to Discover its Terrifying Truth

Right off the bat in Sun and Moon‘s Pokedex, we get our first bone-chilling description:

Pokédex TextIts actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock.

Additionally, we know Mimikyu conceals its appearance to avoid frightening other Pokémon and get closer to them. So what we can glean is – whatever lurks below is so terrifying that no one has survived seeing it fully and living to tell the tale. Just small glimpses have led to dire consequences. Even in the anime when its Pikachu costume tears, all we catch are wispy shadows of its true form. Game Freak seems intent on keeping how Mimikyu really looks an eternal mystery – but that won‘t stop us fans from speculating!

Table of Fan Theories on Mimikyu‘s Appearance

Here‘s a ranking of some of the most common fan interpretations and beliefs around what Mimikyu‘s body resembles underneath, based on apparent plausibility:

A small, shadowy ghostly figureHighly LikelySeen briefly in anime, matches Ghost typing
Heavily mutated bodyPlausibleCould explain horrifying looks
Empty costume/spiritUnlikelySeen eating under costume in anime
Alternate beastly formUnverifiedPure fan speculation

As we can see, the most well-evidenced theory is Mimikyu‘s true appearance being an eerie, spectral ghostly figure that hides away due to its frightening visage. But anything is possible, perhaps even a deformed body like some ghost stories tell!

Terrifying Influences From Myths and Legends

In researching ghost lore for clues into Mimikyu‘s looks, some real-world inspirations seem plausible:

  • Ghosts in folklore often conceal disturbing and sinister appearances, aligning with Mimikyu‘s motif
  • The Noppera-bō – a Japanese legendary ghost without a face, perhaps tying into why Mimikyu‘s actual face remains unseen
  • Bogeyman tales about supernatural figures who hide frightening visages and forms from the world

Mimikyu seems drawn from rich ghost mythology spanning countless cultures that lend terror to its unknown appearance!

By The Numbers: Analyzing Mimikyu‘s Attributes

Beyond interpreting Mimikyu‘s lore, I statistical obsessive looked into key attributes from gameplay for any tells:

  • High defense could mean a durable body protected by disguise
  • Above average attack hints at beastly power hidden away
  • Strong special defense may signal strange psychic/magical power
  • Ghost and Fairy typings suggest its looks involve mysticism and darkness

The numbers paint an image of something sturdy yet spooky – a terrifying tank ready to unleash graphical power!

Artistic Depictions That Send Chills Down My Spine

Fan artists have also taken shots at capturing Mimikyu‘s lurking horror in full graphical terror. Some spine-chilling concepts include:

Mimikyu Fan Art 1

Here we see it depicted with a ghoulish, amorphous body and gaping maw – definitely fitting with a ghostly visage! The artist went extra creepy with this take.

Mimikyu Fan Art 2

This interpretation shows a more spectral, witch-like countenance beneath. I can see it cursing others with such a menacing stare!

Artists clearly have taken the concept of it being a walking haunting to heart. While undeniably creepy, the true form could be far more subtle…or far worse!

My Presumption On Its Petrifying Looks

Given all the evidence, as a gaming analyst I speculate Mimikyu‘s appearance including:

  • A shadowy ghostly body without distinct facial features
  • Elements of mutation or alternate beastly aspects
  • Glowing eyes, jagged teeth, spectral extremities
  • A chilling, cursed aura surrounding its actual form

I picture its real visage something pulled right out of a ghost story – a haunting spectre too frightening for mortal eyes! Surely this would cause terror when viewed fully.

But truly, only Game Freak knows Mimikyu‘s veiled appearance – perhaps we as fans aren‘t meant to ever know. Until official word, its stunning secret shall haunt me eternally!

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