How Does Push to Talk Work on Playstation? An In-Depth Guide

As a passionate Playstation gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I see from those new to PS4 and PS5 multiplayer gaming is: "how does push to talk work?"

Mastering push to talk (PTT) is critical for clear communication and blocking unwanted background noise. Here I‘ll explain exactly how it functions plus best practices for setup and use.

What is Push to Talk?

First, what exactly IS push to talk?

Push to talk is a voice chat feature that transmits your voice to other players only when a chosen button is held down. Releasing the button automatically mutes your mic again.

This gives you manual and precise control over when you broadcast speech.

Push to Talk

Push to Talk icon appears while holding the assigned hotkey

So in a nutshell, push to talk allows transmitting voice communication to teammates selectively by toggling a hotkey.

This avoids an "open mic" that hears everything in your background.

Next I‘ll explain how to properly configure push to talk on both PS4 and PS5.

Setting Up Push to Talk on Playstation

The process for enabling push to talk is simple but not overtly obvious within settings.

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

PS4 Instructions:

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Button Assignments
  2. Select Enable Custom Button Assignments
  3. Navigate down and choose Voice Chat (Push to Talk)
  4. Press any button to set your preferred hotkey

PS5 Instructions:

  1. Go to Settings > Controls > View/Change Bindings
  2. Scroll down and select Voice Chat (Push to Talk)
  3. Press any button to set your preferred hotkey

On a standard PS4 or PS5 controller, the left D-Pad or L3 stick tend to be popular choices. This keeps it accessible without interfering with gameplay buttons.

But you can technically assign any button not otherwise used.

Using Your Push to Talk Key

Once bound, this assigned button becomes your "push to talk" key.

To transmit voice, you must be holding the button down. Upon releasing it, your mic mutes automatically again.

This on/off latching is what gives you precise control.

The icon below appears in the upper left corner of your screen while push to talk is activated:

PTT Activated

So in the heat of gameplay, there‘s clear visual confirmation your voice is broadcasting.

Some games will also show your name and a mic icon to teammates when transmitting voice via PTT.

Push to Talk vs. Open Mic

You may be wondering…why bother with push to talk at all?

Why not just use an open mic with voice activity enabled instead?

Here‘s a quick comparison of push to talk vs an open mic:

Push to TalkOpen Mic
Manual on/off controlAlways listening
Blocks background noisesTransmits ambient sounds
Clear communicationCan be chaotic
More professionalPotentially disruptive
Selective broadcastingConstant broadcasting

As you can see, push to talk gives you much finer control over what‘s transmitted.

An open mic picks up everything – background chatter, eating, fan noises, TV sounds, etc. This quickly becomes disruptive to teammates trying to focus.

In competitive multiplayer games like Fortnite or Apex Legends, clear comms are critical. So push to talk solves these issues elegantly.

Next I‘ll cover proper push to talk usage habits.

Best Practices for Using Push to Talk

To leverage push to talk effectively:

  • Only transmit essential, concise callouts
  • Avoid long speeches or open-ended chatting
  • Listen first before talking yourself
  • Announce enemies, locations and weapons specifically
  • Release your PTT key promptly when done talking

Resist the urge to transmit every thought. Remember there are real people on the other end.

I recommend establishing team norms up front. For example:

  • Push to talk for vital combat callouts
  • Open mic for casual chat in downtime

This balanced approach keeps comms functional without being disruptive.

Push to Talk Interoperation

An important detail is that push to talk works across both game chat AND Playstation party chat.

So whether you‘re chatting in-game with randoms or in a private party with friends, PTT operates the same way.

The key is ensuring the title itself supports voice communication. Games like Fortnite and Rogue Company integrate fully with system party chat and game chat.

Whereas single player games may not transmit voice at all.

Popular Games Supporting Push to Talk

Here are some popular PS4 and PS5 games fully supporting robust push to talk:

  • Fortnite
  • Call of Duty Warzone
  • Apex Legends
  • Rogue Company
  • Realm Royale
  • World of Warships: Legends

Generally competitive online multiplayer games offer the most advanced voice comms options.

And their communities tend to embrace push to talk over open mics.

Now let‘s run through some tips from my years as an avid PS gamer for making the most of push to talk.

Pro Tips for Mastering Push to Talk

Based on extensive PS4 and PS5 gaming, here are my top tips:

Use a headset – A quality gaming headset with attached mic ensures reliable performance. Avoid TV speakers and cheap earbuds.

Rebind if needed – If your chosen PTT key conflicts with gameplay, don‘t hesitate to rebind. Find an optimal button that‘s comfortable.

Check settings – Enable push to talk properly in BOTH system settings AND the game itself if available.

Consider a foot pedal – Special PTT foot pedals exist for keeping hands free. This takes some adjusting to but offers seamless control.

Test first – Hop into training modes to test voice comms before actual multiplayer matches.

Temporarily mute – Some games let you manually mute your mic as an alternative to push to talk when needed.

Update firmware – Ensure headset/mic firmware stays updated for maximum compatibility.

Mastering these tips – on top of the fundamentals – will have you commanding comms gracefully regardless of the game.

The Bottom Line

Understanding exactly how to leverage PS4 and PS5 push to talk delivers a tactical edge in multiplayer gaming. Skipping an open mic in favor of smart PTT usage assures you transmit only vital info when relevant.

So bind your preferred key, grab a headset, and start dominating team communication with precision! Feel free to hit me up with any other questions.

About the Author

As a passionate PS gamer, streamer and content creator, I‘ve accumulated extensive experience across top titles like Fortnite, Apex Legends, Warzone and Rogue Company. My goal is to deliver expert tips to fellow gamers looking to maximize their skills.

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