How Does Summoning Work with Level Differences in Elden Ring?

When you summon other players for co-op using multiplayer passwords, level differences between you and the phantom you summoned no longer matter. However, large level gaps still result in downward scaling for overleveled phantoms to prevent extreme power imbalances.

The Password System Bends the Rules

Elden Ring‘s multiplayer password feature allows players to directly summon friends, regardless of their level. But the game still imposes restrictions:

  • Phantoms over level 200 start seeing stat decreases when joining lower-level hosts, preventing late-game characters from one-shotting early bosses.
  • Damage, health, and defense downscaling aims to curb summon overpowering. The wider the level gap, the harsher the nerfs.
  • Weapons and spells themselves are not weakened. So +10 special weapons still shred bosses even if stats decline.

So while passwords let you play co-op with friends whenever you want, the developers foresaw high-level phantoms disrupting early boss encounters.

Spirit Summon Level Differences

For spectral ashes summoning spirits, upgrade level is key rather than character level:

  • +10 is the maximum upgrade tier and grants the most HP, attack damage, and defense boosts to spirits.
  • Further boosts come from investing in the Spirit Calling skill which enhances summoned ally power.
  • A +0 basic skeleton shouldn‘t be facing down late-game bosses! Pick the right spirit for the job.
Spirit RankExample SpiritDamage & Health Level
+0Basic Skeleton MilitiaVery Weak
+3Banished Knight EngvallModerate
+10Mimic TearExtremely High

So spirit strength directly corresponds to upgrade investment rather than character level. Leverage this fact when customizing your spectral summon arsenal!

Bosses Bulk Up As You Summon Allies

While extra allies make fights easier in some ways, boss adjustments in response to summoning are no joke:

  • Health – Base boss HP scales by 60% with 1 summon. A 2nd ally boosts it roughly 85%-90%.
  • Defenses – All damage resistance types increase between 50% to 60% with 1 summon, and likely higher with 2.
  • So extra damage from summons is offset by beefier boss stats. Don‘t rely on allies only!

Due to the above, decisively beating bosses when summoning demands properly balancing offense and defense. Don‘t ignore dodging just because your spirit summons act as a meat shield!

Character Level Recommendations For Early Battles

Your personal character level is secondary to upgrading weapons for challenging early fights like Margit and Godrick.

  • +4 or +5 weapons should be your first priority when hitting Stormveil Castle.
  • Around level 29 tends to put you on par with these gatekeeper bosses with a decent weapon.
  • Level past 40 before them risks nerfed summoning co-op range and overconfidence!

Later bosses have higher appropriate level targets. But the basic priority of weapons first, levels second remains true throughout your journey.

Summoning Rules – Location Restrictions and Limits

Not all areas permit summoning assistance:

  • You cannot summon co-op phantoms or spirit ashes in limited zones like divine towers.
  • Solo boss fights also restrict all summoning to ensure 1-on-1 tests of skill.

And if you see the "Unable to Summon Cooperator" notice, double-check these other limits:

  • The maximum number of co-op summons is two furled fingers.
  • Only one additional hunter can use the tarnished furled finger.
  • 10 spirit ashes max can occupy your memory slots.

So if you‘re still having issues bringing in allies, revisit these summoning ground rules on where, when, and how many!

In Closing – Adapt Your Strategy, Not Just Your Summons!

While spirit ashes and co-op allies can numb the pain of difficult boss encounters, don‘t neglect your own skills and vigilance just because of backup. Elden Ring explicitly beefs up bosses to counter your summons after all!

So be sure to keep learning attack patterns, watch your stamina, and take advantage of enemy openings yourself. Pick summons covering for your weak points rather than just brute force. Only with your own triumph do you stand to become Elden Lord!

I hope this full breakdown gives you a strong grasp on the ins and outs around summoning and levels in Elden Ring. Let me know in the comments if you still have any other questions!

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