How Walmart Is Cracking Down on Shoplifting in 2024

Shoplifting and other forms of theft have always been a major problem for Walmart. But with retail crime on the rise, Walmart is fighting back hard to protect its profits and reputation.

In 2022 alone, Walmart apprehended over 1.5 million shoplifters and reported over $3 billion in losses from theft. That‘s a 33% increase in just the past 3 years.

So what tactics and technology is the retail giant using to catch criminals and prevent shrinking profits? Let‘s analyze Walmart‘s state-of-the-art anti-shoplifting strategy.

Walmart‘s Tech-Driven Theft Prevention Systems

Walmart uses an array of advanced technology to monitor stores and identify potential thieves:

  • AI-Enabled Cameras: Walmart has installed overhead cameras with artificial intelligence software at over 1,200 stores. These cameras autonomously track items as they are scanned and detect unpaid items placed in bags at self-checkout stations. When an anomaly is detected, it alerts store staff. This tech comes from Irish company Everseen and has already reduced Walmart‘s theft rates.

  • Facial Recognition Software: Walmart is experimenting with facial recognition to identify known and repeat shoplifters when they enter stores. This controversial tech has raised privacy concerns among consumers and lawmakers.

  • RFID Tags: Walmart places radio frequency ID tags on some high-theft merchandise like electronics. If the tag isn‘t removed at checkout, it triggers alarms when exiting the store.

  • Live Video Monitoring: A dedicated team monitors live footage from thousands of in-store cameras to look for suspicious activity and organize evidence against shoplifters.

Shoplifting OffenseTypical Penalty for First TimeTypical Penalty for Repeat Offense
Shoplifting under $100 of merchandiseMisdemeanor charge + 1 year store banPermanent store ban + fines or weeks jail time
Shoplifting over $500 of merchandiseMisdemeanor charge + permanent store ban6+ months jail time + felony record

This intensive surveillance network acts as a digital panopticon, allowing Walmart to closely monitor consumer behavior and catch thieves in the act. But is it going too far?

Do These Systems Violate Consumer Privacy?

68% of consumers are uncomfortable with retail facial recognition according to a 2021 survey. And lawmakers in several states have introduced bills to ban or limit stores‘ use of biometric surveillance tech.

Walmart maintains its systems simply "deter potential crime and keep customers and associates safe." But consumers and privacy advocates argue retailers shouldn‘t be identifying individuals or gathering data without consent.

Walmart isn‘t the only chain ramping up surveillance in its stores:

  • Home Depot uses camera AI to identify suspicious body language and prevent thefts before they occur.
  • Lowes tracks customer movements throughout stores to gather behavioral analytics data.
  • Amazon Go stores rely entirely on automated cameras, sensors, and AI to detect thefts – no cashiers or checkouts needed.

The line between loss prevention and outright surveillance seems to be growing more blurry. How much monitoring is too much?

Prosecuting Shoplifters Sends a Message

Walmart wants to send a clear warning to potential thieves by prosecuting shoplifters to the full extent.

In 2022, Walmart pressed charges against over 1.2 million shoplifters out of 1.5 million caught. And for those charged, Walmart lobbies district attorneys to avoid diversion programs or dropped charges for first-time offenders.

Some consumer advocate groups argue Walmart‘s aggressive prosecution perpetuates mass incarceration for minor non-violent crimes. But Walmart maintains a tough stance sends a necessary message and prevents repeat offenses.

Tips for Consumers: Avoiding Trouble in Walmart

To ensure you steer clear of trouble while shopping, keep these tips in mind:

  • Cooperate fully if checked by loss prevention staff
  • Keep your receipt visible until leaving the premises
  • Only scan and bag your own items at self-checkout
  • Don‘t try concealing unpaid small items in bags
  • If wrongly accused, remain calm and call for police assistance

For more on Walmart policies, see my guides on receipt checking, door alarms, and lost & found procedures.

With advanced technology, vigilent staff, and zealous prosecution, Walmart is cracking down hard on retail crime. Consumers should be aware of the intensive monitoring in stores and avoid any behavior that could raise suspicion. While Walmart maintains its systems are necessary, consumers should also consider if they go too far in terms of privacy.

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