How far into RDR2 is Saint Denis?

As an avid Red Dead fan who has sunk over 200 hours into exploring its vibrant, open world, I can definitively say Saint Denis first becomes available in early Chapter 2 – making it accessible quite early in Arthur Morgan‘s epic adventure! Read on as I fully break down Saint Denis‘ role across RDR2‘s story chapters.

Overview of Saint Denis

Spanning across 5 unique districts, Saint Denis is one of RDR2‘s most fully-realized settlements – a melting pot of cultures with a bustling port economy. From wealthy socialites to impoverished immigrants, its dense streets are filled with diverse NPCs and activities. It also undergoes huge changes as chaos descends on the city later in the story.

What You Can Do in Saint Denis

Once open in Chapter 2, players have a wealth of options for interacting with Saint Denis:

  • Take on story missions, side quests, and stranger encounters
  • Rob houses and stores, engage in crime sprees
  • Gamble at the poker tables, attend shows at the theater
  • Purchase newspapes, shop for equipment and clothing
  • Hunt exotic birds like spoonbills and egrets in the marshes

With new activities constantly appearing after certain story beats, it rewards thorough exploration across multiple visits.

Saint Denis‘ Transformation Across the Story

Spoiler warning! While majestic at the start, Saint Denis descends into chaos by Chapter 6 as conflict consumes the city streets. Without spoiling pivotal plot points, its visual evolution mirrors the story‘s darkening tone.

This dynamism makes Saint Denis feel alive – a character in its own right that players experience across the full narrative arc.

Detailed Breakdown of RDR2‘s Chapters & Missions

To assess when Saint Denis first becomes accessible, let‘s examine how it fits into RDR2‘s overall progression:

Chapter 1 (4 Story Missions, 2-3 Hours)

You‘re confined to snowy Ambarino as the Van Der Linde gang flees their botched Blackwater robbery. With action focused on survival atop secluded mountaintops, Saint Denis remains locked off.

Chapter 2 (10 Story Missions, 5+ Hours)

The gang thaws out in the grasslands of New Hanover, establishing their new outlaw haven at Horseshoe Overlook camp. It‘s here Chapter 2 kicks off opportunities to roam more freely, including an early introduction to sprawling Saint Denis.

I estimate players first reach it roughly 15-20% into the main story based on hours logged, mission count, and unlocked map access.

Chapter 3 (7 Story Missions, 3-5+ Hours)

You relocate down to Scarlett Meadows amid escalating conflict with the Braithwaites and Grays. Saint Denis remains open for business all chapter long.

Chapter 4 (9 Story Missions, 4-8+ Hours)

The gang sets up their largest camp in Shady Belle, taking over an old plantation mansion deep in the swampy Bayou Nwa.

Saint Denis features prominently in Chapter 4‘s action set pieces, while also adding new horse fence Hosea to compliment the gunsmith.

Chapter 5 (8 Story Missions, 3-6 Hours)

Pearson goes missing in Rhodes after a dangerous deal gone wrong, kicking off a climactic chain of events with the Pinkertons and Braithwaites.

Saint Denis is still open, but story focus pulls you away unless you ignore the urgency and go off-mission.

Chapter 6 (14 Story Missions 8-12+ Hours)

As Dutch‘s gang falls into chaos, you‘re forced to confront realities closing in on all sides. Saint Denis descends into martial law as Cornwall strikes back.

This lengthy closing chapter transforms the once vibrant city, testing Arthur‘s loyalty amid changing times he no longer recognizes.

Epilogue (14 Story Missions, 8-16 Hours)

(Spoiler warning) – After Arthur‘s death, you play as John Marston struggling to survive as an outlaw without a gang. Get a glimpse of Saint Denis rebuilding itself years later as the world enters the 20th century.

In Summary

While epic in scope, Red Dead 2 funnels players specifically across its 35+ hour main story. This walkthrough reveals Saint Denis opens very early – just 15% into that central narrative.

Use its five explorable districts as your own urban playground while advancing the exhilarating tale of Arthur Morgan‘s redemption. With endlessly immersive side content supplementing its blockbuster campaign, take your time soaking in all Saint Denis‘ ambience.

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