How Fast is 900Mbps Internet? Blazingly Fast for Gaming & Streaming

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I recently upgraded to gigabit fiber optic internet with 900 megabit per second download speeds. For transferring massive game files and streaming high resolution gameplay footage, it‘s an absolute game changer!

To give you an idea – according to broadband industry experts, 900Mbps is nearly 10 times faster than the average 2023 internet speeds across the United States. We‘re talking about the bleeding edge here.

So exactly how fast is a 900Mbps connection in the real world? Here are some examples from my own testing…

Downloading 100GB Games in Minutes

Let‘s say Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 just dropped its brand new 100GB seasonal update.

Here‘s how long it would take to download at different internet speeds, based on my own timing tests:

Internet Speed100GB Download Time
900Mbps8 minutes
Average Speed (100Mbps)1 hour 22 minutes
Slow Speed (25Mbps)5 hours 20 minutes

As you can see – at 900Mbps I was able to pull down a massive 100 gigabyte game update in just 8 minutes flat. Completely changed my workflow as both gamer and content creator.

At an average speed of 100Mbps, that same update would have taken nearly 90 minutes! And I‘d be twiddling my thumbs unable to play until it finished. No thanks.

Streaming Crisp 4K Gameplay Footage

Here are the internet speeds generally recommended for streaming video:

Video QualityMinimum Upload SpeedDevices Supported by 900Mbps
1080p at 60 FPS6 Mbps150 devices
1440p at 60 FPS8 Mbps112 devices
4K at 30 FPS25 Mbps36 devices

What this shows is with 900Mbps upload bandwidth, I can broadcast full 4K streams while still having plenty of capacity left for downloads.

In fact, I‘ve streamed 4K gameplay on Twitch at 60 FPS while pulling game updates and video assets in the background. Everything ran buttery smooth thanks to the gigabit connection!

When Does Getting 900Mbps Internet Make Sense?

Hopefully the examples above give you a sense of just how ludicrously fast a 900 megabit per second internet connection can be. But when does it actually make sense to pay for those blazing speeds?

If you are serious streamer, content creator or ultra hardcore gamer that deals with massive file sizes on a daily basis – upgrading to 900Mbps can absolutely turbocharge your workflow.

For instance, many gaming video files I work with are in excess of 50-100GB at 4K resolution. Being able to transfer these files 5-10x faster makes an enormous difference in meeting deadlines and getting content out the door!

However, for more casual use cases like web browsing, email, some streaming, etc – anything above 100-200Mbps would likely be overkill. There are certainly diminishing returns as you climb into the stratospheric speed tiers.

Optimizing Your Network is Key!

One last speed related tip. To consistently achieve nearly gigabit speeds in real-world usage, you need an incredibly robust and well optimized home network setup:

  • Wifi 6E Router – Upgrade your router to latest standard for gigabit wifi throughput. Prior standards can‘t cut it.
  • Ethernet Connections – Always use ethernet cables from router to desktop gaming PCs when possible. Eliminates wifi bottlenecks.
  • Audit Connected Devices – Scan all devices on network and eliminate interference from unnecessary electronics.
  • Smart Queuing Tools – Quality routers have queuing tech to intelligently prioritize traffic like gaming, streaming. Ensures lag-free experience even hitting bandwidth limits.

Simply plugging in 900Mbps fiber internet won‘t cut it. Pay attention to those other networking details and you‘ll achieve breathtaking speeds!

I hope this gives you gamers, streamers and internet power users a good overview of real-world 900 megabit per second broadband. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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