How Fast is Doomguy in Lore? Speeds Approaching 70 MPH Give This Demon Slayer Unrelenting Velocity

According to the codex scrolls guiding the mythology of the legendary Doom franchise, the iconic Doomguy or "Doom Slayer" has been endowed with otherworldly speed allowing him to sprint across battlefields at 50-70 MPH while wearing a full suit of heavy duty armor.

This velocity approaches the limits of the human body‘s capabilities, giving Doomguy relentless aggression, pursuit and an near-undodgeable edge against the demonic forces of Hell.

Codex and Developer Quotes Reveal Extreme Speeds

In one codex entry uncovered on a Hell-cursed tablet, it is written that Doomguy has "speed that exceeds infinity" which points to immeasurable velocity unattainable by ordinary beings.

His mythos is shrouded in mystery but this excerpt at least confirms he can rocket across the terrain faster than any normal space marine or human hero.

Codex Scroll

In an interview, Doom series director Hugo Martin also called attention to this unnatural speed:

"He‘s faster than everything we‘ve ever had before. Double jumping allows you to be incredibly evasive."

This perspective from the developers supports the logical conclusion that Doomguy has nearly supernatural quickness to complement his fierce and direct close quarters combat style.

Battling Titans, Gods and Demons Through the Ages

Such velocity serves Doomguy extremely well battling towering Titan demons thousands of feet tall or pursuing the teleporting hell priests summoning vehicles and barriers with magical speed.

His documented history spans eons battling these demonic and godly entities through multiple eras and dimensions. Maintaining this degree of swiftness has surely helped him emerge victorious against these mystical entities for millenia.

Some key conquests include:

  • Defeating the gigantic Icon of Sin after battling through Hell‘s citadel
  • Pursuing the Titan-class Baphomet warping reality around him
  • Surviving ambushes by the speedy Hell Guards despite their numeric advantage
  • Overrunning the cyberdemon‘s defensive perimeter before it could unleash magical attacks

Based on these conquests, we can determine Doomguy relies greatly on speed and agility to overcome size, numbers and magical abilities when battling cosmic foes.

Quantifying Doomguy‘s Lightning Velocity

To conceptualize just how swift Doomguy truly is based on the codex clues of 70 MPH speeds, let‘s quantify his velocity compared to other fast fictional characters and real world metrics.

Speed Compared to Prominent Fictional Characters

CharacterTop Speed
QuicksilverMach 4 (3,080 MPH)
Sonic the Hedgehog765

As shown in this comparison, only cosmic entities like The Flash clearly exceed Doomguy‘s speed based on canon sources. He nearly keeps pace with speedsters like Sonic or Quicksilver which is astonishing for a human marine encumbered by heavy body armor.

Miles Per Hour (MPH) Metrics

To further illustrate how blindingly quick seventy miles per hour would be, let‘s compare to real world examples:

  • Faster than any Olympic sprinter‘s top speed of 30 MPH
  • Nearly twice as fast as the swiftest cyclist Lance Armstrong at 40 MPH
  • Only 10 MPH shy of the fastest highways cars where accidents exponentially rise
  • Just 20 MPH slower than a motorcycle rockets at top gear
  • Not far behind jets reaching 100-200 MPH during takeoff

Visualizing these metrics grounds Doomguy‘s hyperfast traits all the more – whether outracing competitive runners, vehicles or aircraft, his reaction times border on precognitive to navigate environments at that velocity.

Unyielding Velocity Across Eternal Years of War

Now let‘s extrapolate Doomguy‘s running speed across the eons of ceaseless demon slaughter his codex legend describes spanning countless worlds across dimensions.

The codex tells of "a rage that would not fade, and could not be stopped" suggesting Doomguy has maintained this degree of speed while battling demons quite literally forever via time and reality manipulation.

  • If Doomguy ran nonstop at 70 MPH for the 14 billion years of our observable universe timeline…
  • He would have covered over 96 quintillion miles
    (Note – a quintillion is 1 followed by 30 zeroes!)

Of course we have to account for breaks to rage tear demons and gore nests into bloody particles during this endless crusade.

But the core point remains – this marine‘s stamina permits off-the-charts velocity to be maintained for lengths of time and distances that escape comprehension.

When envisioning Doomguy blasting across worlds and realities to wage eternal war armed with this mythic degree of speed, one realizes how he ascended from mortal to demigod status as "the Doom Slayer" in the first place!

Can Anyone Stop This Freight Train Marine on a Rip & Tear Rampage?

Given the near infinitesimal feats chronicled in the codex of Doomguy‘s speed, strength, stamina and relentless will to fight, one must wonder – who or what in any fictional universe could stand against him at this point?

His velocity allows him to rip and tear through hundreds of demons in minutes. His immortal demon slaying crusade has already spanned space, time, dimensions and countless worlds or eons.

And the blessings of the Seraphim ensure every battle only increases his power and rage exponentially.

So considering Doomguy can jet, crash and thrash faster than a rocket car…who or what has any prayer left to survive his coming reckoning?? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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