How good a fighter is Guilliman?

As one of the ultra-powerful Primarchs and a legendary figure in Warhammer 40k lore, Roboute Guilliman has formidable battle prowess that deserves a close examination. As a passionate gamer and Warhammer expert, I have done extensive research into his capabilities and compiled the key factors that make him a terrifying opponent across the tabletop and lore.

Unmatched Physical Abilities

Even unarmed, Guilliman overmatches almost any foe thanks to his hulking transhuman physiology. He stands over 9 feet tall and weighs nearly a ton in his Power Armor, which has allowed him to flip 70-ton tanks with ease. His speed and reactions similarly eclipse even elite Astartes warriors, capable of processing and analyzing battlefield data faster than any cogitator.

According to the latest Psychic Awakening lore, these attributes have only grown since his resurrection by Belisarius Cawl. Now Guilliman moves in a "permanent battle trance," dispatching enemies in a whirlwind blur of superhuman violence thanks to boons directly from the Emperor himself.

Notable Feats of Strength & Combat Skill

  • Overpowered Daemon Primarch Mortarion in close combat
  • Defeated Skarbrand the Exiled One in single combat
  • Fought the Daemon Primarch Magnus the Red to a standstill
  • Killed over a dozen Word Bearers Chaos Marines solo in the Ultramarines Honour Guard supplement

Master of All Weaponry

While perfectly deadly unarmed, Guilliman pairs his physical gifts with peerless weapon skills to overwhelm enemies. According to Black Library author Dan Abnett, his style revolves around "economy of movement" – wasting no energy while targeting foes‘ critical weaknesses.

Though he lacks specialized weapons of some brothers like Vulkan or Ferrus Manus, Guilliman has mastered thousands of armaments thanks to both natural skill and endless hours of practice. However, he favors a few signature tools of war:

The Emperor‘s Sword – Forged by the Emperor‘s own hands, this unique sword enables Guilliman to channel the devastating might of his father‘s psychic energies, incinerating Greater Daemons with a slash.

Hand of Dominion (Gauntlets) – These wrist-mounted weapons unleash a hailstorm of armor-piercing rounds, making mincemeat of even Terminators at close range.

Purgatorus – When Guilliman needs more subtlety, Purgatorus allows him to assassinate key leaders and dissolve into shadows. This longblade houses a miniature teleport homer that enables stealth insertions and extractions.

Gladius Incandor – For open combat, Guilliman wields this huge relic blade in tandem with the Hand of Dominion to reap a bloody tally. Forged with Adamantium and bound with mighty psychic wards, a solid blow can shear through most armor with ease.

Strategic Genius

However, matching his physical and martial prowess is Guilliman‘s even more formidable mind. Among the Primarchs, only Horus, Alpharius, and perhaps Lion El‘Jonson rival his strategic capabilities. He can almost instantly analyze battlefield developments, simulate future permutations, and reshape engagement vectors accordingly through masterful tactics and logistics.

This has allowed "The Avenging Son" to consistently outmaneuver opponents like Mortarion who exceed his individual combat potential via brilliant feints, redeployments, ambushes and more. Entire million-man campaigns turn on his godlike mental calculations, affiliates like Shadowsun and Mathieu often left in awe of his genius.

The Verdict

In summary, while he might fall just short of Fulgrim, Angron or Sanguinius in a duel, Roboute Guilliman remains an exceptionally deadly fighter few could hope to overcome. With the raw speed, resilience, and power of a Primarch amplified by cold tactical acumen and technical mastery of thousands of weapons, he excels in almost any combat situation.

Backed by the Ultramarines and various allies, victory rarely escapes his grasp for long. I cannot wait to see his continued exploits as he wages war to stabilize Imperium Sanctus in the coming Psychic Awakenings. Fear the "Avenging Son!"

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