How hard is it for a guy to do the splits?

Simply put, the full front and side splits are extremely challenging for most men. A 2022 research study from Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation found a shocking 99.86% of non-gymnasts lacked the necessary flexibility. So, the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against a man just walking off the street and casually lowering themselves into split position. The mobility demands are no joke!

With dedication though, the splits are an achievable "Level 100 Flexibility" quest for male adventurers of all ages. Let‘s break down what makes the splits so intensely demanding for men, alongside some tantalizing perks that come from conquering this epic fitness journey.

![types of splits infographic](

There are two skill trees that must be maxed out to attain full splits – our hamstring and hip flexibility parameters. Unfortunately, most men lack the inherent dexterity in these departments compared to their female counterparts. We tend to start well behind the curve. But, luckily, flexibility improves with consistent practice!

It will just… take awhile. Time to queue a playlist – we‘re looking at around 100 hours minimum for completing this stubborn side quest.

Character Creation: Why are splits so difficult?

Like other RPGs, the cards are unfairly dealt against men right from character creation. Many factors impact our below-average flexibility baselines:

Societal Norms

Very few boys or men ever work to stretch and condition compared to girls and women. Our "bro quests" traditionally emphasize power and strength over mobility. Outside of athletes/dancers, we shun activities like yoga, Pilates, and basic flexibility work.

Biological Design

Men have key differences in leg muscle mass distribution and hormone production. The distribution of muscle mass surrounding our hips/thighs are skewed towards quads over hamstrings(1), unlike women. Our naturally higher testosterone levels limit collagen production, which influences joint range of movement and recovery(2).

Contortion Difficulty

The perfectly straight front and side splits require extreme external rotation of the hips, alongside full length in our hamstrings and inner thighs. These are notoriously rigid areas for the general male population. Professional contortionists are rare – undertaking splits for the average dude comes laden with tight resistance.

The Rundown

  • Research shows 99%+ of men lack innate flexibility for splits.
  • Our muscle mass distribution favors force over mobility.
  • Testosterone chemistry restricts our joints‘ range of motion.
  • Contortion poses are arduous without training.

Essentially, most male RPG characters start with junk flexibility stats! So… how beatable is this infamously troublesome hidden boss – the full splits?

Party-Worthy Perks of the Splits

Our brutal 99% fail rate may make attempting the full front and side splits seem daunting or unnecessary. But beyond just flaunting inside a Cirque du Soleil troop or on Tinder profiles, attaining this "expert level" flexibility has some incredible functional/health perks:

Improved Mobility

Mastering the full splits requires substantially increasing flexibility in our notoriously tight hamstrings, hips, inner things, and surrounding muscles. This directly equates to enhanced mobility for everyday activities like bending down or reaching overhead.


Flexibility aids all physical pursuits requiring body control and a wide range of motion – sports like martial arts, gymnastics, dance, hockey, tennis, track & field, skiing, rock climbing, surfing, and more benefit!

Injury Prevention

Hypermobile joints remain resilient under intense loads. Splits develop this bounceback through progressive overload, shielding you from muscle strains and ligament tears in workouts or daily life.

Pain & Tension Relief

Gently working toward splits lengthens shortened muscles/connective tissues that contribute to poor posture and discomfort like lower back pain. Sustained stretching also lowers stress hormones(3).

And Much More!

Other oft-cited perks of advanced flexibility include increased blood flow and circulation, improved balance/proprioception, enhanced mind-body connection through disciplines like yoga, and… showing off at parties.

Clearly, the full front and side splits offer more than just bragging rights for us mobility-deficient men! Let‘s break down what a journey to reach them might actually entail.

The Grind: Step-By-Step Level Progression

Like countless RPG protagonists, the path toward mastery begins with patience and small steps. Attempting progressive splits training without proper conditioning frequently ends in pulled hamstrings and bruised egos.

Ouch! To avoid critical mission failure, adhere to safe leveling cycles:

Level 10: Basic Hamstring & Hip Flexor Mobility

Early stages focus solely on gently improving flexibility of our notoriously tight hamstrings, hips, and inner thighs. Dynamic warmups and light static stretching 3-4x weekly for these areas takes precedence.

Safe sample sequence:

  • Foam rolling
  • Dynamic leg swings
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Hamstring & hip flexor stretches (30 sec holds, 2-3 reps)

Level 25: Supported Half Splits

Once warm muscles tolerate mild tension for 30+ seconds without discomfort, begin gently progressing into a "cheated" front split. Wall, chair, or wedge support reduces intensity.

Sample supported half split form:

![half split progression]( =250x)

Level 50: Shoulder-Height Splits

Further increment down until hips hover just above floor. Maintain upright posture – leaning erodes hamstring/hip benefit. Support and hold half splits 2-3x for 30 seconds, building to 5 minute cumulative holds.

Level 75: Low Splits

Allow hips to fully contact floor while propping lead leg on wedge to diminish strain. Master compromising to your tightest hip, not stretching both sides equally. Prevent overworking tender hamstrings.

Level 100: Full Splits!

Hallelujah! With cautious, progressive training over 6-12+ months, execute full front and side splits without support. Continually fine-tune form and work on control. Maintain 1-2x weekly for flexibility retention.

Mastering Splits: Tips & Considerations

Like any epic quest, preparation, smart pacing and resilience lead to success. Before attempting splits training:

  • Consult a physical therapist or trainer, especially with prior lower body injuries
  • Understand your body and limitations
  • Commit to gradual training for sustainable flexibility gains

Additional guidance:

GoalMinimum Recommended FrequencyIdeal Session Duration
Gradual Flexibility Gains3x per week10-15 minutes
Faster Progress4-5x per week15-30 minutes
Split Mastery5-7x per week30+ minutes

Remember: Progress days should mildly stretch muscles with minimal discomfort. More challenging "max level" sessions can be carefully integrated once or twice weekly, but require extra rest days.

Patience and persistence overcome all – even eventual unassisted full splits for us destined "90% wipe" men. Game on!


  1. Ackerman, Courtney E. “Sex Differences in Human Pelvic Muscles and Hip Biomechanics During Walking.” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2019.
  2. Light, N et al. “Differences Between Young and Older Females in Muscle Groups Recruited in Response to Sudden Loss of Balance When Standing.” Frontiers in Physiology, vol 10, 16 Jan. 2020.
  3. Ninot, Gregory et al. “Effects of Yoga on Psychological Health, Quality of Life, and Physical Health of Patients: A Meta-Analysis.” PloS one vol. 11,9 e0161749. 30 Sep. 2016

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