How Hard is it to Make a Mobile Game?

Creating a hit mobile game that succeeds in the competitive app stores is certainly challenging, but the barriers to entry for making a basic functional game are lower than ever thanks to powerful game engines and development tools.

Time Commitment

On average, creating a mobile game from idea to release takes 5 to 18 months of hard work. If you plan to create and develop a relatively small functional mobile game as a solo developer or small team, you can expect at least 3-5 months for your first title.

However, for more complex games with 3D graphics, multiplayer capabilities, and unique gameplay mechanics, development can often take 12-18+ months even for experienced teams. And large studios may spend years developing AAA mobile game titles.

Costs Involved

The costs involved in mobile game development can vary widely, but generally include:

  • Salaries for developers/artists/designers
  • Subscription fees for game engines like Unity or Unreal
  • Asset store purchases for graphics, sounds, code, etc.
  • Potential outsourcing fees
  • Testing on multiple devices
  • App store publication fees

For solo developers and small teams, costs can often be under $10k to get a simple title to market. But for more complex games with high quality production values, budgets over $100k+ are common even for small to mid-sized studios.

Can One Person Make a Game?

Absolutely – game engines like Unity and Unreal are designed to empower solo developers or very small teams to create mobile games. You’ll likely need to purchase some asset store packages for artwork/audio, and the coding/design skills demand is high, but with enough effort and commitment a single developer can create and publish mobile game apps successfully.

However, managing all aspects of development and then marketing the game by yourself is certainly a challenge. For best results, aim to build a network and get feedback from other developers whenever possible.

While making a commercially successful, high quality mobile game as a solo developer presents challenges, the tools and resources available today enable determined individuals to produce fun game experiences on their own more easily than ever.

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