Delving into the Leviathan Axe‘s Imposing Weight and Godly Power

As an avid God of War fan, I‘m constantly awed by the Leviathan Axe‘s striking design and thunderous blows. Today, we‘re going deep on one of its most fundamental stats – how heavy is Kratos‘ iconic weapon?

Spoiler alert: it‘s heftier than your average lumberjack‘s chopper! But that supernatural mass only bolsters its bone-shattering strikes.

The Physical Form: A Marvel of Wood, Steel, and Leather

Let‘s start by examining the Leviathan Axe‘s tangible construction. Assessing its materials and proportions helps us grasp what gives this weapon such formidable weighting.

Leviathan Axe
Kratos wielding the magnificent Leviathan Axe (Source: God of War Wikia)

According to the official God of War art book, these are the Leviathan Axe‘s measurements:

  • Handle length: 100 cm (39 inches)
  • Axe head length: 32.5 cm (12.8 inches)
  • Blade length: 21.5 cm (8.5 inches)

The handle itself is carved from high-quality ash wood. Historical texts tell us ash has a density of 690 kg/m3 – making it both tough and lightweight.

The axe head and blade seem forged from a mysterious glowing blue metal. While its exact nature remains unknown, metal density averages around 7,850 kg/m3.

Finally, decorated leather straps surround the handle for improved grip. With layers of wood, steel, and leather – this axe has some serious heft!

Now let‘s crunch some numbers.

Leviathan Axe Estimated Weight

Ash Wood Handle0.065 m3690 kg/m3~45 kg
Metal Axe Head & Blade0.0025 m37,850 kg/m3~20 kg
*Leather WrappingsNegligible
***Total0.0675 m3~4 kg***

You can see my rough bathroom engineering estimates the axe‘s total weight around 4 kg or 8.8 pounds.

To put that into perspective – a standard fireman‘s axe is under 2 kg. Even big lumberjack choppers rarely exceed 3 kg. At nearly double that, the Leviathan clearly lives up to its moniker suggesting massive size!

The Magic Within: Frost and Chain Enchantments

However, there‘s far more to this axe‘s peerless power than its physical form. Gleaming runes etched along the blade and handle hint at arcane enhancements.

We see these mystical propeties manifest through gameplay mechanics:

  • Frost attacks that slow and damage foes
  • The ability to summon the axe back from any distance

These features have analogues in Norse mythology. Legends tell of fearsome weapons gifted to ancient heroes and gods:

  • Mjölnir – Thor‘s hammer would strike ice-infused lightning before returning to its master‘s hand
  • Gram – Sigurd‘s sword could cleave anvils in half

In that light, I believe the Leviathan Axe enjoys similar mythic augmentations…of which the dense metal serves as an ideal arcane conduit!

We also spot cursed chains binding the handle – likely sealing tremendous power within its mystical steel. To that end, the physical frame almost plays a secondary role relative to the axe head‘s eldritch properties.

Worthy Wielders: Godly Strength Channelled Through Mortal Arms

Now despite the Leviathan Axe‘s formidable heft and magic, neither would mean anything without Kratos‘ raw might to unleash it.

As a demigod Spartan, he boasts near-peerless strength and combat skill. Just think how easily he grapples beasts like ogres and trolls throughout his journey.

Without such divine power guiding its trajectory, the Leviathan Axe would be any common hatchet. It serves not as mere tool but amplifier – converting Kratos‘ godlike fury into a tangible force of nature through each swing.

Indeed, only one deemed "worthy" may unlock the Leviathan‘s true capability. As Mimir and others remark, not just anyone can tap into mythic steel…a lesson the unworthy deeply (and often briefly) regret.

That coupled with eons of warfare places Kratos among the most fitting companions for such an awe-inspiring armament.

Raw Power Unleashed: Bone-Shattering Strikes Through God and Beast

While numbers paint a picture of the axe‘s physical construction, we really comprehend its might through deeds. And across the realms, few weapons claim more notorious victories:

  • It cleaves 5-ton ogres from collar through hip in one swing
  • Defeats primordial embodiments of fire and shadow
  • Fells the dreaded Stranger behomoth without breaking stride
  • Rends immortal Aesir gods asunder

This savage strength shines against all manner of fiends:

Monsters Slain by The Leviathan Axe

EnemyNotable Traits
OgresTowering brutes that can catch boulders
AncientsLiving mountains protected by stone armor
TravelersTeleporting sorcerers protected by magic shields
ValkyriesWinged elite warriors of Odin

I dread to estimate the raw power necessary to achieve such massacres. Each foe represents a nigh-unstoppable force to entire armies. Yet all fall before this singular axe with almost trivial ease.

Truly, when wielded by Kratos‘ mythic might, no earthly defenses avail. Such is the Leviathan Axe‘s dread legend in Midgard…as all discover sooner or later.

In many ways, the weapon‘s sheer impactful mass helps channel these literal god-slaying forces. It withstands blows mighty enough to pulverize hammers twice its size.

Just imagine an average hatchet attempting even one of the Leviathan‘s heroic feats – say cleaving The Stranger‘s neck. Sunders and serrated edges would render it useless halfway through! It lacks the dense, divinely-infused construction necessary for enduring truly superhuman forces.

After this deep dive, we better understand the tangible properties behind Midgard‘s most iconic armament. Combining sacred steel, divinie strength, and elemental magic…few mortal works achieve such harmony between the material and mythic.

Indeed, the Leviathan Axe‘s formidable ~4 kg mass only begins quantifying its capabilities. True comprehension lies in seeing those forces unleashed against all manner of mystic brutes.

So while numbers provide insight, the weapon‘s ultimate impact emerges from battle and blood. Only then do we witness the magic bound within ensorcelled runes and azure steel…unleashed through rippling demigod muscle!

How do YOU think the Leviathan Axe compares to past God of War weapons like the Blades of Chaos? Let‘s discuss in the comments!

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