How High Should I Level Up Faith in Elden Ring?

Based on extensive testing and research across various builds, I recommend getting your Faith stat to 60-70 for powerful offensive and support incantations. You can still be quite effective with just 40-50 Faith, but stacking Faith to 60+ really unlocks the full potential of this magical combat style.

Why Faith is So Important in Elden Ring

  • Unlocks all incantations by 40 Faith
  • Determines incantation damage
  • Allows equipping of high faith-requiring weapons
  • Strengthens sacred seals that scale with Faith
  • Boosts holy damage negation with higher Faith

So in summary – leveling up Faith allows you to utilize the full arsenal of holy spells and weapons to smite enemies with righteous fury!

Recommended Minimum & Ideal Faith Levels

  • 40 Faith – Minimum to unlock and cast all incantations
  • 60 Faith – Ideal soft cap for excellent incantation scaling
  • 70-80 Faith – Hard cap where returns drop off

I wouldn‘t recommend going above 80 Faith as the gains really start to diminish at that point. 60-70 is the sweet spot for maximum damage potential.

Balancing Your Stats With High Faith

While Faith might be your primary combat stat, you need to balance it out to survive in the Lands Between:

  • Vigor (40-60) – Boosts your health & survivability
  • Mind (30-40) – Increases FP (magic points) to cast more
  • Endurance (20-30) – Allows heavier armor for defense

After you meet minimum requirements for weapons, prioritize getting Faith up first, then focus on balance with Vigor and Mind.

Best Weapons, Spells & Items to Utilize High Faith

Here are some of the top tier weapons, incans, and support items that scale incredibly well with high Faith:


WeaponRequired FaithDescription
Blasphemous Blade30One of the best; restores HP on kill
Sword of Night and Flame24Versatile; deals magic & fire damage
Golden Halberd30Great for Strength/Faith builds
Gargoyle‘s Blackblade20Deals holy and physical damage
Coded Sword21Fast sacred straight sword with magic damage


SpellRequired FaithDescription
Lightning Spear25Hurls a heavy lightning spear
Flame of Frenzy28Deals fire damage; madness buildup
Swarm of Flies14Rapidly hits for blood loss buildup
Golden Vow25Augments attack power and defense
Flame, Grant Me Strength12Enhances strength and fire damage

Sacred Seals & Talismans

  • Erdtree Seal – A solid well-rounded choice for various incants
  • Dragon Communion Seal – Best for boosting dragon cult incantations
  • Flock‘s Canvas Talisman – Raises Faith by 8
  • Two Finger‘s Heirloom – Adds 5 Faith

Hybrid Builds Complementing High Faith

While pure Faith builds are certainly viable, hybrid builds open up additional options:

  • Faith/Dexterity – Cast spells and deal rapid attacks
  • Faith/Strength – Combine incants with colossal weapons

Try out a hybrid using my recommended stats below:

  • Faith – 50-60
  • Dexterity / Strength – 40-50
  • Vigor – 40
  • Mind – 30
  • Endurance – 25+

Understanding Faith‘s Soft & Hard Caps

It‘s important to know when leveling a stat hits diminishing returns. Here are the caps for leveling Faith:

  • Soft Cap – 50-60 Faith
  • First Hard Cap – 80 Faith
  • Absolute Cap – 99 Faith

So I‘d advise stopping at 70-80 Faith maximum, as the spell buff gains decrease significantly.

Tips, Tricks & Optimization for High Faith

Here a few final tips to maximize your Faith potency:

  • Use sacred/flame art affinity on weapons
  • Craft potions to boost holy damage by 20%
  • Mix powerful regen or damage buff physicks
  • Use melee to build up spell combos
  • The Ringed Finger talisman boosts ‘last hit‘ of spells by 80%!

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m happy to provide additional details on min/maxing a powerhouse faith caster.

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