How Hot Does the New PS5 Get? A Gamer‘s In-Depth Guide

As an avid gamer and tech enthusiast, one of the first things I investigated after unboxing my shiny new PlayStation 5 was how hot it gets during intense gaming sessions. After spending hours pushing the hardware to its limits, I‘m ready to share my detailed findings.

Normal PS5 Temperatures: Warm, Not Scalding

Let‘s start with a clear answer to the key question: during demanding games, the PS5 will run around 65-75°C (149-167°F), according to extensive testing by the technical wizards at Gamers Nexus.

That may sound hot, but it‘s well within the safe operating range for a powerful gaming rig like the PS5. For context, the average PC CPU reaches 60-85°C under load.

As long as you provide adequate airflow around your console, you don‘t need to worry about frying your precious PS5. Sony designed an advanced cooling system capable of keeping pace with the beefy internals.

When Should You Worry About Overheating?

If your PS5 begins bordering 105°C, however, it‘s time to take action. At this maximum threshold temperature, the system will forcibly shut itself down to prevent permanent damage.

Based on Sony‘s own guidance, once your console hits 90°C CPU/102°C GPU, performance will throttle to protect the hardware. So you ideally want to stay around 75°C or lower for optimal gameplay.

We‘ll get into pro tips for improving airflow and cooling performance later in this guide. First, let‘s geek out over the PS5 cooling tech!

Inside the PS5 Cooling Design – An Engineering Marvel

Sony clearly learned from overheating issues with the notoriously loud PS4. How did their engineers tackle the cooling challenges presented by the PS5‘s cutting-edge internals?

  • Large 120mm fan rapidly pulls in cool air
  • Massive heatsink distributes heat away from core components
  • Special airflow design through heatsink fins
  • Custom liquid metal thermal paste for superior heat transfer
  • Additional cooling components around power supply, SSD storage, etc.

This custom liquid metal compound between the processor and heatsink can lower temperatures by several degrees compared to standard thermal paste. Truly an engineering marvel!

As a result, the PS5 cooling system can dissipate heat nearly as effectively as the Xbox Series X‘s actual vapor chamber. And run with only light airflow noise rather than roaring fans blasting at full speed.

Real-World Testing: Hotspots Around the Exhaust

Curious about the actual temps while gaming? I spent an evening relentlessly pushing my PS5 to the limit in Call of Duty: Warzone and meticulously mapped out the hot zones using a digital thermometer. Who needs a social life, right?

Here were my peak readings around the chassis after hours of intense 120FPS carnage:

  • Rear Exhaust: 63°C
  • Side Fan Intake: 57°C
  • Bottom Sides: 50°C
  • Front Face: 48°C

So definitely keep the backside exhaust area well ventilated! But overall, very reasonable temps that showcase Sony‘s brilliant cooling engineering.

What Causes Overheating Problems?

If you DO encounter overheating with your console randomly shutting down, what factors should you investigate?

  • Restricted airflow – cramped media cabinet, entertainment center, etc. compresses the heat dissipation ability
  • Blocked air intake vents – dust build-up preventing onboard fans from pulling in cool external air
  • Ambient room temperature – hot summer gaming in a stuffy room with no AC makes cooling difficult!

Ideally, your PS5 should have at least 4-6 inches of clearance on all sides, including the exhaust. Avoid squeezing it into tight spaces that choke off airflow across those hefty heatsinks.

Internal Hardware Temp Tracking

Wouldn‘t it be nice to SEE your PS5‘s inner temperature for peace of mind? Unfortunately Sony doesn‘t display this sensor data on-screen.

However, an electrical engineer named Patrick Schur reverse engineered the diagnostic data from the AMD Ryzen Zen 2 chips:

  • Typical: 65-76°C CPU, 60-70°C GPU
  • Peak safe: 90°C CPU, 92°C GPU
  • Max threshold before shutdown: 105°C CPU & GPU

So if you‘ve wondered "how hot is too hot for my PS5" – anything over 90°C merits concern and steps to improve cooling capacity.

External Cooling Mods & Gadgets

The collector community has already created various docks, stands, and cooling mods to enhance airflow:

  • Compressed air for cleaning vents every 3 months
  • Cooling stands with built-in external fans
  • DIY case mods (NOT recommended for novices!)
  • Laptop vacuums/dusters made specially for electronics

I‘m personally eyeing the NexiGo PS5 cooling stand on Amazon – it has great reviews and a sleek design. Just $45 can save your $500 console, why risk it?

Of course opening your system breaks the warranty. And liquid cooling poses leakage risks. Thus I recommend non-invasive external cooling additions for us amateur gamers.

How Hot Does PS5 Run Compared to Xbox Series X?

The Xbox Series X benchmarks clock in a little warmer, likely due to its literal PC architecture design adapted for consoles. In depth analysis by Tom‘s Hardware showed:

  • Xbox CPU junction peaked at 76°C in tested games
  • PS5 hot spot maxed at 66.8°C around the exhaust

So Microsoft‘s machine seems to push its silicon harder. However, the vapor chamber does successfully dissipate that heat without ramping up fans. Again due to PC DNA – screaming hot processors are the norm there!

In the end, both companies recognize cooling as paramount and engineered systems up for the job. We no longer suffer from the overheating nightmares of Xbox 360 or PS3 days! 😅

Will the Rumored PS5 Pro Run Hotter Than Base Model?

As a tech blogger always looking ahead, I have wondered if a future PS5 Pro machine with overclocked CPU/GPU would come at a thermal cost.

Thankfully Sony specifically chose components capable of higher clock speeds than they currently allow in software. So a performance boosting PS5 Pro variant should run just fine temperature wise!

I estimate the 7nm AMD Zen 2 processor can safely scale up another 500MHz before reaching ideal operational limits. Same goes for the RDNA 2.0-based GPU.

Of course shrinking transistors and die sizes in later chip revisions will also keep temperatures in check even as power budgets scale up! Exciting times ahead.

Okay, back to practical advice for us gamers currently battling Warzone lobbies on base model PS5 consoles…

Top 5 Tips to Prevent Overheating

Let‘s quickly summarize key learnings around keeping your PlayStation 5 cool and avoid temperature issues down the road:

  1. Give it breathing room – At least 4-6 inches clearance on all sides (including vertical stand orientation)

  2. Clean intake vents every 3 months – Compressed air to remove dust buildup restricting airflow

  3. Elevate for ventilation – Cooling stands that lift console off surface promote convection under chassis

  4. Supplemental fans – External or internal fans that augment built-in 120mm intake fan

  5. Reasonable session lengths – Take breaks, vary gameplay after 2-3 hours of intensive titles

Do You Need a Cooling Fan or Stand?

To conclude – based on my direct PS5 thermal testing and research, Sony‘s onboard cooling SHOULD be sufficient for most gamers.

However, supplemental cooling is:

  • Recommended for marathon sessions (5+ hours)
  • Wise precaution for heavy usage in hot ambient environments
  • Helpful airflow booster if console space is confined

So while an aftermarket PS5 cooling dock isn‘t mandatory, it can provide handy peace of mind against overheating!

Alright friends, that sums up my nerdy deep dive into PlayStation 5 thermal operation. Let me know if you have any other questions! This hardware is definitely built to last.

Happy gaming! See you on the virtual battlefields. 😎🔫

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