How important is 3 stars in Pokemon Go?

As a long-time Pokémon Go enthusiast, few things are quite as satisfying as catching or hatching a perfect 3 star Pokémon. But exactly why are these prized 100% IV specimens so coveted? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll analyze the underlying stats, appraisals, metagame impacts, player behaviors, and intangible prestige driving their legendary status. Let’s break down the method behind the 3 star madness!

I. Rarity & Reality of IV Perfection

Out of all possible IV combinations (from 0/0/0 to 15/15/15), only one spread meets the hallowed criteria for perfection. Getting those glorious triple 15‘s is astronomically rare, with mere 0.024% odds from wild spawns. Yet over years of aggregated catches, rare wonders do emerge…

IV CategoryOdds of Obtaining
100% (Hundo)1 in 4,096
98% (Nundo)1 in 65,536

So while veterans may accumulate a few treasured Hundos (and cursed Nundos), most players will never see one. And with Gen 9 swelling the Pokédex, those odds only worsen over time. For credibility, my own meager haul includes 2 perfect legendaries, 1 perfect shiny, and 15 assorted perfect Pokémon caught across 5 years and 50,000 catches.

II. Appraising Perfection

Beyond the base rarity though, how do we identify in-game which Pokémon hit the jackpot? Enter the appraisal system. Upon inspection, your team leader will provide a 1-3 star rating with attack, defense, and HP commentary. Here’s what to look for:

  • 3 red stars + “can battle with the best” = 100% IVs
  • 3 orange stars = 82-99% IVs
  • 0-2 stars = 0-81% IVs

It’s worth manually appraising any special catches as trophies do lurk behind unassuming guises. Personally breathtaking was a random Foongus checked on a whim… unveiled as my first perfect shiny with gasping disbelief!

III. Competitive Impacts

But hypothetical hype aside, do perfect IVs definitively decide battles? Is a hundo Machamp noticeably stronger than its 98% counterpart? Sometimes!

While two Pokémon of the same species/level differ modestly in normal gameplay, tiny IV gaps make BIG differences reaching crucial damage breakpoints. In Raids and PvP, that can translate into extra KO power or better overall efficiency.

Let’s simulate an imaginary Master League matchup below!

Pokémon APokémon BMatch Results
15 / 15 / 15 Dialga14 / 15 / 15 DialgaA Wins Battle

Despite B boasting 98% IVs, A‘s perfectAttack IV allows its Dragon Breath to notch one additional damage per hit. This whispers thin edge quickly compounds over the duel into a dominant position. Tiny differences, massive outcomes!

IV. Investment Costs

Now with great power comes great resource costs. While Pokémon Luck blesses us with hundos, we pay back in stardust and candy to unleash full potential. Consider two scenarios:

High IVHigh CP
  • Level 15 Dratini
  • 100% IVs
  • Cost to Max = 375,000 dust
  • End CP = 3,691
  • Level 30 Dragonite
  • 55% IVs
  • Cost to Max = 75,000 dust
  • End CP = 3,691

The high IV Dratini, while costing 5x more resources, reaches equivalent CP to the weathered Dragonite. This drives heated debate around powering up trophies or relying on readily strong catches. Budgets and perfectionist mindsets blazing clash! ̄\(ツ)/ ̄

V. Closing Thoughts

In summary, 3 star IVs provide modest statistical edges, some visually indistinguishable from alternatives. Yet between appreciating rarity, unlocking hidden potential, personal accomplishment… that trio of red stars and hexagon stamps simply HITS different. They symbolize our dream chases after virtual perfection.

So while salty shundo bragging rights are the ultimate prize, all trainers remembering the exhilaration 3 stars first sparked keeps the magic alive. Lucky friends, may your next appraisal be worthy of legend!

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