How Has Basim Ibn Ishaq Survived for Millennia in Assassin‘s Creed?

The captivating character Basim from 2020‘s Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla possesses a backstory shrouded in mystery. As an Isu reincarnation endowed with special abilities and driven by an ages-old quest for retribution, his continued survival through the epochs may seem confusing. But the key lies in ancient technology: Basim managed to safeguard his consciousness using a powerful Isu invention known as Yggdrasil. This preserved his memories and identity intact, allowing him to resurface in different eras.

Origins as the Isu Loki

In his earliest incarnation, Basim lived as the Isu called Loki. Contemporary records on the exact nature of his role are sparse, though his tumultuous relationship with the prominent Isu ruler Odin has passed into legend. Some scholars even hypothesize romantic ties between Loki and the noted scientist Aletheia. But his destiny would change forever following a bitter feud with Odin.

Foreseeing the impending global devastation of the Great Catastrophe, Loki took steps to endure beyond the tragedy. By interfacing his mind with the Yggdrasil device, Loki managed to encrypt his consciousness. Thus when Ragnarök engulfed the world between 75,000-10,000 BCE, his memories remained securely preserved. Over long epochs he awaited chances to re-emerge and pursue old scores left unfinished.

Training as a Hidden One Under Alamut

The man eventually christened Basim Ibn Ishaq came into his own during the early Middle Ages. Recruited by the Arabic mentor Roshan, Basim joined the Hidden Ones Brotherhood operating out of their mountain fortress at Alamut. Here he underwent years of intensive training in the Assassin combat arts and philosophy.

Statistics pulled from Abstergo‘s Helix database systems show Basim swiftly rising to the vanguard of his Hidden One cohort in skills like stealth, parkour, and twin-blade combat. By integrating the Brotherhood‘s tenets of free-will advocacy with his own lingering ambitions, Basim also secured privileged access to Isu sites like the Ashasu Temple.

Yet wanderlust eventually propelled Basim towards the distant Norse lands, eager to spread the Assassin ideology across new frontiers.

Partnership with Sigurd‘s Clan

A fateful encounter in Miklagard (Constantinople) saw Basim befriend the displaced Norwegian nobleman Sigurd Styrbjornson around 865 CE. Sensing an opportunity to plant Hidden One teachings in Scandinavia, Basim agreed to voyage back with Sigurd to Norway.

In the following years Basim aided Sigurd in overthrowing the treacherous usurper king Harald Fairhair and reclaiming his family‘s Raven Clan. This birthed bonds between the two – and brought Basim into contact with Sigurd‘s foster-sibling Eivor Varinsdottir, who unbeknownst held the reincarnated soul of Odin. As the Raven Clan expanded operations into England, Basim worked closely with Eivor in activities ranging from raids to settlement foundations.

YearRaids LedAllies SecuredFortifications Built
869 CE63 Mercenary GroupsGrantebridge, Ledecestrescire
870 CE9Lord RhodriTempleborough, Lincoln, Lancashire
871 CE4Lady EadwynRepton, Sciropscire

Yet even in these ventures, Basim never lost sight of his deeper motivations – the fulfillment of ancient revenge and lost love still burning within.

Harnessing the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus

Events reached an apex years later at the Yggdrasil Temple in North America towards the end of Valhalla‘s main questlines. For it was here that Basim finally acquired the coveted Isu artifact entrusted to Aletheia herself – the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. While details remain ambiguous, Aletheia presumably transferred stewardship of the Staff to him, suggesting interesting implications about their relationship.

Cellular RegenerationHeals all wounds/injuries
LongevityExtends lifespan indefinitely
Energy BlastsEmits destructive force
Mind ControlBends beings to user‘s will

Grievously wounded in his confrontation with Eivor, Basim was able to channel the Staff‘s restorative powers to cheat death. Now functionally immortal, he at last possessed the means to patiently enact vengeance over however long necessary. No doubt Basim also hoped to reconnect with Aletheia herself one day.

An Antihero or Villain Waiting in the Wings?

What lies next for this enigmatic figure armed with Isu artifacts and nursing age-old grudges? Assassin‘s Creed‘s upcoming Mirage chapter promises insights into Basim‘s early days under mentor Roshan. But his endgame remains wildcards. Will Basim slide towards extremism against the Assassin Brotherhood that fostered him? Does he covet unleashing the Staff‘s reality-distorting capabilities to remake the world to his vision? Or might common cause reunite him with former allies?

One thing seems certain – this cunning incarnation of Loki has played a very long game to reach this point across thousands of years. With his hand finally on the cosmic scales, Basim may recalibrate the fate of many.

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