Far Cry 6 Has No Direct Narrative Ties to Far Cry 3

While some fans have theorized connections, Far Cry 6 does not have any direct narrative links or continuity with the story or characters of Far Cry 3. The two games take place in completely different time periods and locations.

However, they do share common DNA as titles in the Far Cry franchise. This article will explore fan theories about connections, analysis why they likely don‘t hold up, and overview shared franchise elements between the games.

The Diego = Vaas Theory Lacks Evidence

A common theory speculates that Diego, the son of Far Cry 6‘s antagonist Anton Castillo, grows up to become Vaas Montenegro, the iconic villain of Far Cry 3. This suggests Far Cry 6 as an origin prequel story to FC3. However, closer analysis finds little evidence to support this:

**Diego = Vaas Theory Evidence Overview**
  • Diego and Vaas have a similar chaotic, violent edge
  • Both are positioned as "princes" of their islands
  • Diego‘s scar resembles Vaas‘ signature face scar
  • If Diego went through trauma after FC6, it could set him on the path to becoming Vaas

However, when examining the games‘ plots, timelines, and developer statements, it becomes clear the Diego = Vaas theory carries little weight:

**Why the Diego = Vaas Theory Likely Isn‘t True**
  • Different Time Periods: FC6 confirmed set in 2021, while Vaas is adult in 2012 FC3
  • Diego‘s Age Doesn‘t Fit: He‘s 13 in FC6 while Vaas is ~30 in FC3
  • Post-Credits Contradiction: Confirms Diego & Vaas are separate characters
  • Ubisoft Developer Statements: Say FC6 isn‘t directly tied to previous games

So while an intriguing concept, the Diego = Vaas theory does not pan out under further scrutiny. Far Cry 6 very likely tells a standalone story in the franchise continuity.

My Theories and Presumptions on Connections

While Diego becoming Vaas seems conclusively dismissed, I do wonder:

Could Anton Castillo or another FC6 character potentially resurface years later as an antagonist in a future Far Cry game?

Ubisoft set up the idea of direct character connections with the Joseph Seed appearances tying Far Cry 5 to New Dawn. It‘s possible Castillo or other figures could return down the road, perhaps played by the same actors years later like Michael Mando still playing Vaas.

I doubt there are direct Far Cry 3 callbacks planned, but connecting current and next-gen games through shared characters returning older seems plausible!

Shared Franchise DNA, Separate Stories

Though no narrative continuity, Far Cry 6 and 3 have common franchise DNA:

Far Cry 6Far Cry 3
Guerrilla war against dictatorFight against pirates & slave traders
Tropical island setting (Yara)Tropical islands (Rook Islands)
Open-world stealth/actionOpen-world stealth/action
Makeshift weapons systemCrafting weapon system

As the table shows, the high-level themes and gameplay are quite aligned between the games, even if the plots and characters themselves do not connect.

This speaks to Ubisoft‘s success developing a strong franchise formula – marrying exotic island settings with compelling villains and modern guerrilla warfare.

So in that sense, FC6 pays homage to FC3‘s roots while telling an original and unrelated story. This sets the new game apart rather than just rehashing the past.

The Takeaway: Separate Stories, Shared Spirit

At the end of the day, compelling evidence indicates Far Cry 6 forges its own distinct path rather than directly tying into previous games like FC3.

However, Diego does seem to channel an unstable, violent spirit reminiscent of Vaas. And the games unite core elements of tropical guerrilla combat that define the Far Cry franchise.

So while their narratives do not intersect, FC6 keeps alive the rebellious DNA first displayed prominently by FC3. This allows the new game to build upon that strong foundation with an intense new saga focusing on the Castillo regime in Yara.

Thoughts? Do you see any other potential connections between the games I may have missed? Let me know in the comments!

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