How is Ramiris a Demon Lord? A Breakdown by a Passionate Tensura Fan

As a long-time fan of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Tensura for short), I‘ve done deep dives into the lore behind the series‘ colorful cast of characters. One who always stood out to me was Ramiris – the seemingly unimposing, sprite-like little girl with enough power behind her to be considered a Demon Lord.

So how did Ramiris, originally the Queen of Fairies, gain recognition as one of Tensura‘s first Demon Lords alongside ultrapowerhouses like Guy and Milim? Read on for my thorough breakdown as a fan!

From Fairy Queen to Fallen Monarch

Ramiris ruled over the vibrant Fairy Kingdom hundreds of years ago, beloved by her fairy subjects for her benevolent leadership. However, a mysterious calamity extinguished most of fairykind, causing Ramiris to lose her physical form.

Fairy QueenRuled over the Fairy Kingdom at height of her power
Fallen MonarchLost rule and most power after the fairy calamity

With the loss of her kingdom and retainers, Ramiris fell from her height of power. But one ability remained that eventually catapulted her to Demon Lord status…

Labyrinth Creation – Ramiris‘ All-Powerful Skill

Even depleted of strength after her kingdom‘s downfall, Ramiris retained her intrinsic skill Labyrinth Creation – an ability that lets her fabricate grand labyrinths and wield immense magic while within them.

I like to think of Labyrinth Creation as working similar to Guild Bases or Player-Owned Houses in MMORPGs. By constructing elaborate dungeon networks, Ramiris gains special administrator privileges.

Manipulate SpaceFreely warp and alter labyrinth layout
Generate ResourcesPassively spawns monsters and traps
Control DifficultyRaises or lowers maze complexity
Revive InhabitantsResurrects destroyed monsters

These god-like powers make facing Ramiris on her own turf an alarming prospect – like challenging a max-level player unlimited by game rules!

Backed by Guy and Milim: From Zero to Demon Lord

Guy Crimson and Milim Nava are two of Tensura‘s most fearsome characters. But rather than destroy the now weakened Ramiris, they saw value in her singular abilities.

Guy recognized the global balance Ramiris‘ labyrinths helped maintain, while Milim simply found her skillset interesting! Their endorsement paved the way for others to acknowledge Ramiris‘ might.

AllyContributionPower Level
Guy CrimsonFirst to recognize Ramiris‘ importance???+
Milim NavaFound Ramiris‘ abilities novel?????

From her labyrinth authority to Guy and Milim‘s backing, Ramiris had the qualities expected of a Demon Lord. This support allowed her to ascend from her lowly post-calamity status back into a position of supreme power!

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