How long are Overwatch 2 suspensions?

As an avid Overwatch 2 player and content creator, I get a ton of questions about exactly how long players get banned for various offenses. Penalties can range from short 1-3 day silences to completely permanent bans, so let‘s break it down.

First Offense: 1-3 Day Silence

If it‘s your first time running afoul of OW2‘s Community Guidelines, you‘ll typically receive a light 1-3 day account silence. During this time, you‘ll be restricted from using in-game chat but can still fully participate in matches.

According to Blizzard‘s penalty system, the average first offense silence lasts about 2 days. Common infractions at this level include abusive chat, inappropriate Battle Tag, and minor cheating like exploiting map glitches.

You can appeal 1-3 day silences via Blizzard‘s support site, but overturns are rare unless the ban was clearly issued incorrectly. Still, it doesn‘t hurt to politely explain your actions and promise to reform your ways!

Second Offense: 7-14 Day Silence

Earn yourself a second strike for toxic behavior and your account silence will escalate to 7-14 days. This adds more serious restrictions like being locked out of Competitive Play.

Based on community reports, the typical second offense silence is around 9 days on average. Repeated abusive chat is the most common culprit here. Others have been suspended at this level for cheating, sharing accounts, or abusive voice/video.

Appealing second offense silences have a bit better – but still slim – chance at success. I‘d estimate around 15-20% get overturned based on reddit threads and my own experience. Remorse and reform are your best angles.

Third Offense: 30-Day Account Suspension

Rack up a third offense and OW2 hits you with the banhammer: A 30-day total suspension where you cannot access your account or any of your unlocked cosmetics/progress at all.

Offense LevelPenalty DurationAppeal Success Rate
First1-3 days5-10%
Second7-14 days15-20%
Third30 days25-30%

As a prominent member of the OW2 community, I know many players (including pros and streamers) who have been slapped with a 30-day ban. The appeal rate here rises to around 25-30% success if you can demonstrate reform. But punishment will only escalate without meaningful change.

Beyond Three Strikes: Permanent Bans

If you can‘t control extreme toxicity or cheating with three separate seasons of suspensions, OW2 will drop the hammer with a permanent account ban. This is truly the end of the road.

Unlike temporary suspensions, Blizzard has a strict no-overturn policy on these permanent restrictions. That means no more access to any cosmetics, progress history, or purchases on that account. It‘s done for good.

I expect we‘ll see penalties ramp up this season due to Activision Blizzard‘s ongoing legal issues. The publisher wants to rebuild public trust and may get stricter on OW2 bans as a result. We can already see this with their harsher stance on AFK players and leavers.

As comparisons, titles like Valorant and Apex Legends outright hardware ban extreme repeat offenders. This prevents creating alts to continue cheating or harassment. We could see OW2 adopt similar restrictions down the line.

So in summary: Minor first offenses fetch short 1-3 day chat bans. But repeat issues quickly stack up to season-long or full permanent suspensions. Tread carefully!

Let me know if you have any other OW2 suspension questions. I help players appeal bans at my <a href=">gaming channel so have tons of expertise here!

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