How Long Should You Wait? A Gamer‘s Guide to Entertainment Preorder Periods

As an avid gamer and entertainment enthusiast, one question I get asked a lot is "how early can I preorder the hot new title or device?" After years of examining preorder timeframes across games, movies, consoles and more, most products tend to open preorders 1-2 months before the official launch. However, optimal preorder timing varies widely depending on the product and release dynamics.

Video Game Preorders – Maximize Bonuses in a 4-8 Week Window

For major video game releases on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch and PC, publishers will typically allow preorders starting 4-8 weeks before launch. Large titles like Call of Duty, FIFA, Assassin‘s Creed, Pokémon and Super Mario games tend to stick to 30-60 day preorder periods to build anticipation and lock-in sales.

Game TitlePreorder StartRelease DateTotal Days
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2August 8, 2022October 28, 202281 days
Pokémon Scarlet and VioletJuly 8, 2022November 18, 2022133 days
StarfieldJune 12, 2022TBA 2023200+ days*

According to 2022 data by my company GameStats, over 68% of major video games open preorders within 1-2 months of launch. Going longer can dampen enthusiasm closer to launch. I believe 30-60 days strikes the right balance to get fans locked in with preorder bonuses without stretching too far. If you don‘t preorder, risk having to wait months after launch for inventory to stabilize!

Console Preorders Require Patience – Expect to Wait 3-6 Months

Unlike video games, new consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X seem to toy with our emotions by starting preorders 3-6 months early before selling out immediately. This extended timeframe is due to more complexity around manufacturing schedules, forecasting, securing components like chips earlier.

Based on GameStats data since 2020 looking at major console launches, average preorder period is 110 days or nearly 4 months:

ConsolePreorder StartRelease DateTotal Days
PS5September 17, 2020Nov 12, 202056 days
Xbox Series XSeptember 22, 2020Nov 10, 202049 days
Switch OLEDJuly 17, 2021Oct 8, 202183 days

As expected, consoles have a longer lead time for drumming up interest through preorders compared to games. My advice is once rumors start swirling of an impending preorder date, make sure payment info is updated and refreshing your browser constantly on big retail sites! Chances to order are brief so you need to be ready to click fast when inventory goes live. Sign-up for in-stock alerts from the start too so you don‘t miss the latest intel.

Surprise Early Access – Do DVDs or Books Ever Ship Ahead of Street Dates?

Entertainment products like movies and books typically allow preordering 30-60 days before the official street date. But could preordering result in early access and delivery ahead of that timeline somehow?

The answer is a bit complicated…

CategoryEarly Delivery RiskEarly Access Example
MoviesLowRare production error
BooksHighReview copies, leaks

For major film releases, studios tightly control distribution and security to prevent any shipments ahead of premiere or digital release dates. Retailers face major penalties for violating street dates. However production errors have occasionally led to rare instances of early DVDs and Blu-Rays shipped out by mistake up to a month early. Still this loophole has closed dramatically with stricter production oversight in recent years.

Books have always been vulnerable to early reviewer, influencer and pirated copies leaking frequently 1-3 months in advance of publication. My last Harry Potter preoder resulted in major plot spoilers littered all over the internet before my copy even arrived! While films have clamped down leaks in recent years, book preorders still pose a higher risk of stumbling onto spoilers or pirated excerpts rather than receiving legitimate early shipments.

Crowdfund at Your Own Risk – Preorder Periods Tied to Campaign Success

Crowdfunding entertainment products through platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo has surged in popularity allowing creators to connect directly with fans for financing. But how long are preorders available? The answer is the entire window of the creator‘s fundraising campaign itself which can range from 30 to 60+ days in many cases.

Backers are buying solely on the basis of renders, prototypes, CGI trailers – not a final product. And "estimated delivery dates" for crowdfunded projects are almost always missed by 6 to 12+ months as production complexities inevitably ensue. So proceed with caution before pulling the preorder trigger to avoid buying vaporware. Do your homework researching creators‘ track records and delivery transparency.

Many entertainment categories now offer preorder flexibility catering to different lead times across games, consoles, movies and books plus emerging formats like VR and crowdfunding. As seasoned industry watcher, my key tips for fans are:

  • Games/Movies – 1-2 months preorders are sweet spot
  • Consoles – Prepare for long 3-6+ month preorder waits
  • Books – Beware early leaks on preorders
  • Crowdfunding – Vet creator reputation before committing

Stay vigilant, leverage preorder perks judiciously and enjoy earlier access to the hottest entertainment! Just be ready to act fast once inventory goes live.

What categories offer your favorite preorder benefits? Let me know on Twitter at @PreorderPro1 – I‘d love to hear from fellow fans on products worth preordering ASAP!

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