How Long Are You Banned From a Casino?

If you engage in activities that casinos don‘t approve of, you may find yourself banned or "86‘d" from the premises. But how long do these bans actually last? Unfortunately for advantage players, cheats, and troublemakers, casino bans can sometimes be permanent.

Typical Ban Durations

Casino bans can range from:

  • Overnight – Casinos may ban a patron just for the current night if they get too rowdy or as a warning. This lets them cool off and return the next day.
  • Years – For more serious offenses, casinos often issue 1-5 year bans. You cannot re-enter the casino during this exclusion period.
  • Lifetime – Getting caught cheating, stealing, or breaking major rules can lead to a permanent lifetime ban. These are difficult to overturn.
  • Indefinitely – Vague "indefinite" bans mean you are banned for an unspecified period of time and it is up to the casino to decide if/when you can return.

Getting Unbanned from a Casino

For multi-year and indefinite bans, getting unbanned may be possible by:

  • Appealing to casino management in writing to remove you from the exclusion list
  • Signing a reinstatement form stating you understand the rules
  • Proving enough time has passed since the offense

However, success is not guaranteed. Lifetime bans in particular tend to be permanent in practice despite the name.

What Does It Mean to Be Blacklisted?

Casinos keep internal "blacklists" of players perceived as threats. This list often includes:

  • Card counters – Players who legally keep track of cards but have an advantage
  • Cheaters – Those caught using tricks or devices to alter bets/payouts illegally
  • Troublemakers – Patrons with a history of violence, theft, fraud or disruption

In addition to enhanced oversight, being blacklisted can lead to players getting banned entirely from properties.

Top Reasons People Get Banned

You can get banned from a casino for:

  • Being under the legal gambling age
  • Cheating through devices, pastposting, pinching bets, card marking, etc.
  • Counting cards and similar advantage play techniques
  • Taking photos or videos on the gaming floor
  • Causing a disturbance through argumentative behavior
  • Voluntarily self-excluding for problem gambling reasons
  • General violations of casino etiquette rules

What Does "86‘d" Mean?

In casino lingo, getting "86‘d" means you are banned and ejected from the venue. The "86" term originated from bartenders serving unruly customers the weaker 86-proof liquor to get them to leave bars peacefully back in the early 1900s.

86 bans typically last one year. Within that year if you try to re-enter the casino, you can be charged with trespassing.

Other Ban Consequences

In addition to losing casino access, players may suffer other consequences like:

  • Getting reported to a central self-exclusion database
  • Facing collections and credit impacts if unable to repay casino debt
  • Receiving a criminal trespass warning allowing police involvement for violations
  • Resulting impacts to loyalty program status and access

Final Words

Casino bans should be taken seriously, as they can have significant consequences. While you may be able to appeal and get unbanned after a number of years, lifetime bans in particular can permanently impact your ability to gamble at that venue. Avoid behaviors that could get you justifiably banned, but also know your rights in case you feel unjustly targeted. With a reasonable approach, most players can enjoy their casino experiences without facing exclusion.

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