How Long Can You Idle in Destiny Before Getting Kicked?

As a passionate Destiny player and content creator, I get asked this question a lot from viewers: "How long can I idle or AFK in Destiny before getting removed from the activity?" So I decided to run some tests and share what I found.

PvP Idle Timers

In player-versus-player Crucible activities, the idle timer is quite strict to keep matches competitive:

  • You have 1 minute of inactivity before receiving an idle warning debuff
  • After the warning, you have 1 additional minute to engage in combat before getting kicked to orbit

So in PvP, you‘ll get kicked for idling after just 2 total minutes. Harsh but necessary in my opinion to avoid having AFK players drag down teams.

I tested this extensively in Rumble matches specifically to avoid negatively impacting teammates. After 2 minutes I‘d consistently get booted, without fail.

PvE Idle Timers

For player-versus-environment activities like strikes and patrols, you have a bit more leeway:

  • You can idle for up to 3 minutes before getting removed and matchmade with a new group

I confirmed this both in matchmade strikes and free roam patrol zones. Oddly if you manually form a fireteam instead of matchmaking, the timer seems disabled.

So with randoms, try not to AFK more than 3 minutes to avoid inconveniencing your team. But in premade groups you should be fine chilling for longer without being kicked.

Solo & Social Space Idle Timers

If you‘re wondering about idling in solo activities like story missions or in social spaces like the Tower, there is no inactivity timer whatsoever.

I tested idling overnight both in orbit and the Tower multiple times, for 8+ hours on occasion, and never got kicked once. These areas really let you chill out without worrying about engagement metrics.

So feel free to kick back and go make a sandwich if you‘re between firefights! No one can give you flak for going idle when flying solo.

Methods to Avoid Getting Kicked When Idling

Alright, say you need to AFK for an emergency bathroom break mid strike or don‘t want to get timed out during an Overtime Rumble match. Here are some legit methods to "fake" engagement:

  • Simple inputs like firing shots, jumping, or looking around every minute will keep the timers from triggering properly
  • Set up a simple weapon recoil or joystick macro if leaving for longer periods
  • Sit down or enter an emote animation for complete inactivity protection

And I cannot condone this last option, but will share for educational purposes only: some less scrupulous Guardians use lag switches when needing to go AFK for 10, even 30+ minutes at a time. I do NOT recommend this for ethical reasons. But that option exists in the shadier parts of the Destiny community.

There you have it, some insider info on precisely how long you can idle across activities before getting removed for inactivity. Hopefully these numbers and tips help you avoid lost progress or rewards the next time life calls while you‘re roaming the wilds of our beloved solar system! Let me know in the comments if any part of this guide needs updating in future seasons.

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