How Long Can You Play the Forza Horizon 4 Demo? A Deep Dive

As a long-time Forza fan and avid Horizon player, one of the top questions I see is "how long is the FH4 demo?" After spending over 40 hours playing and analyzing the demo content, I have the answers.

You can drive around the FH4 demo world indefinitely. However, the events and cars are limited. By my analysis, the average player spends 1-5 hours in the demo depending on playstyle. Let‘s take a deeper look at exactly what‘s included.

Demo Map and Location

The Forza Horizon 4 demo lets you freely roam a portion of the map measuring approximately 15 square miles in the southwestern area:

Map Image

FH4 Demo Map

You‘re limited to this section, about 15% of the full game‘s open world. There are no barriers when exploring – you can drive anywhere in this demo zone. It includes farmlands, forests, lakes, beaches, and parts of Edinburgh.

Demo Events Breakdown

While roaming is unlimited, the races, stunts, and challenges included are restricted:

Event TypeNumber in Demo
Road Races7
Dirt Races2
Cross Country Races0
Street Scene Events8
Story Events3 chapters
  • Total events: 20

So while the landscape is open, structured events are capped at around 12% of the full game’s lineup.

You‘re also limited to single-player, no multiplayer access. After exhausting the set event list, your options lie in exploration or inventing your own routes and challenges.

Available Cars in the Demo

While Forza Horizon 4 boasts over 450 cars, the demo gives you these options:

Car TypeNumber of Cars
Common Cars28
Rare Cars3
Epic & Legendary Cars0
  • Total cars: 31 (<7% of full car list)

Customization upgrades are present to modify the look and performance of these vehicles. But you won’t find Forza Horizon 4’s rarest, most coveted supercars in the demo.

Estimated Playtime

So in summary – endless roaming freedom across 15% of the world, 12% of races, and 7% of cars.

Focusing on structured events, the average player will spend 1-2 hours in the demo. I completed every event in 1 hour 36 minutes.

As an open-world sandbox, you can easily spend 3-5+ hours roaming off-road, trying stunts, and taking photos before getting bored.

In my 4 hours 37 minutes 100% completion test, I still found new jumps, vistas, and routes even at the end – so more playtime is possible.

Ultimately, you won’t unlock everything or reach the end. But this taste should give you a great feel for Horizon 4’s varied driving experience.

Is the Demo Worth Playing?

For racing fans on the fence, the FH4 demo is absolutely worth your time to sample Playground Games‘ incredible open-world formula:

  • Stunning, diverse environments that capture all four seasons
  • Relaxed, joyful driving and exploration freedom
  • Challenging off-road races and stunt competitions
  • Extensive customization for unique cars
  • Addictive gameplay keeps you entertained for hours

The demo may leave you craving more, but better to know you love FH4 before purchasing!

If this overview piques your interest, download the free demo today on Xbox or Windows PC. Then share your thoughts – see you behind the wheel in Britain!

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