How Long Did It Take to Film the Viral Hit Series Squid Game? Much Longer Than You‘d Think!

It took over 10 years from initial script concept to first day of principal photography for Squid Game. Let‘s dive into the long and arduous journey to get this overnight sensation to screens…

2008: Hwang‘s Idea Is Born

While movies based on children‘s games weren‘t new, I couldn‘t find any that took the concept to such dark extremes. As a filmmaker myself, I was fascinated by Hwang‘s high-stakes, life-or-death approach – and wondered if it was too bold to ever get made.

2009: Initial Script Drafts Completed After 6 Months

According to Hwang, he took nearly half a year just to complete the first two episodes‘ scripts. This makes sense when you consider the complex character backstories and meticulously crafted game sequences.

Early 2009Initial script drafts for Ep 1 & 2 finished
Mid 2009Complete 1st draft of full script

I‘m impressed he stuck with it for so long before seeking input. As a creator, I know how tempting it is to get feedback too early!

2009 – 2019: 10 Years of Script Rejections

For over a decade, Hwang tried desperately to get Squid Game made, but couldn‘t get backing. As a filmmaker myself, I empathize – it‘s demoralizing when your passion project goes unsold year after year.

Year# of Studios Pitched ToSample Rejection Reasons
20095 Korean studios"Too violent", "not commercial"
2010 – 201110+ Korean studios"Genre too unfamiliar"
2014 – 20166 major Hollywood studios"Too culturally Korean"

As the rejections piled up, Hwang had to put Squid Game aside and direct more commercially viable films to stay afloat.

Sept 2020: Filming Underway After 10+ Year Wait

Thanks to Netflix embracing unconventional Korean content, the long-gestating project was finally given the green light. Principal photography began on September 24, 2020 – over a decade after Hwang wrote the first draft. With acclaimed lead actors Lee Jung-jae and Park Hae-soo on board, filming took about 8 months.

The rest, as they say, is history. After 10+ years in development hell, Squid Game exceeded all expectations upon its 2021 release. But the journey shows that overnight sensations rarely happen overnight!

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