How long do I have to wait to do Cayo Perico again?

As an experienced solo Cayo Perico grinder, the most common question I see is "how long do I have to wait to run the finale again?" I‘ve logged over 100 solo attempts, so let me break down the specifics on the cooldown timer and how to make the most of your downtime.

The Basics

When running the finale solo, you must wait 3 GTA Online days before starting the next heist. That equals 144 real-life minutes – quite a long break considering the finale itself only takes me 15 mins!

I don‘t mind though, since this incredible heist has made me over $100 million so far. For $1.5 million average take per finale, it‘s by far the best solo money maker in GTA Online.

Counting Down The Minutes

The timer starts immediately after you finish the finale and return to Los Santos. I like to open the interactions menu and set a timer on my phone for 144 minutes, so I know exactly when I can get back to my tropical island vacay!

air horn sound effect

Alright folks, 2 hours and 24 minutes until go time! In the meantime, let‘s bang out some auto shop deliveries and see if we can‘t rack up another mil…this DJ needs some new wheels!

Comparison With Other Heists

HeistSolo CooldownTeam Cooldown
Cayo Perico144 mins48 mins
Diamond Casino48 mins48 mins

As you can see above, Cayo Perico has by far the longest mandatory break between finales. This is Rockstar‘s way of preventing solo players from grinding too much, but trust me – we find ways to work around it!

Understanding Hard Mode

Getting the finale in Hard Mode boosts the primary target payout by 10%. But you only have a limited window to trigger it!

Once Pavel contacts you saying the island has upped its security, you need to launch the finale within 48 REAL LIFE minutes. Exceed that, and it reverts to normal mode.

I have my Kosatka camped out ready to go so I can start prepping the second I get Pavel‘s call. Hard mode is too lucrative to pass up!

Primary Target Value Comparison

Ruby Necklace$1m$1.1m
Bearer Bonds$1.1m$1.21m
Pink Diamond$1.3m$1.43m
Panther Statue$1.9m$2.09m

Now you see why we get so hyped for that Panther – it‘s a guaranteed $2 million solo payout!

Prepping Efficiently For Max Profits

With the insane value that primary loot reaches, most of my prep time goes towards getting extras like coke and weed to boost the final take.

Here are the key setup missions I ALWAYS complete before finale:

  • Fingerprint Cloner
  • Plasma Cutter
  • Cutting Torch
  • Safe Codes

With those done, I can access the compound loot spots, grab extra coke/weed, and crack the basement safe for gold. This nets me $300-500k on top of primary target value.

I‘ve got my route dialed in so perfectly that I finish the prep work under 60 minutes every time.

Solo Finale Walkthrough

I start my infiltration at the airstrip, taking out guards and grabbing coke or weed if available. From there, I head up the east coast to the compound.

The cutting torch makes quick work of the basement gate, and I‘m cracking the safe while the finger cloner does its thing up top.

A few headshots later and I‘ve got the primary target in hand along with a bag full of gold! Escape off the main dock and it‘s an easy elite challenge completion – $100k bonus in hard mode!

From completed finale back in Los Santos safehouse, I‘m averaging around 15 minutes per finale.

Future Updates I‘d Like To See

While Cayo Perico pays extremely well already, I think there‘s room for Rockstar to:

  • Add another access point option to increase variety
  • Increase the value of secondary targets like gold and art
  • Introduce a "Master Hacker" option to disable certain traps/alarms
  • Let us purchase suppressors to remain stealthy

As a passionate solo grinder, these tweaks would make an incredible heist even more exciting to play!

In any case, I don‘t see myself stopping anytime soon. With $20 million per week in potential earnings, the 3 day cooldown is just motivation to push my limits!

Let me know what questions you have in the comments, and be sure to subscribe for more of my Cayo Perico grinding journey. Come join me on CPH next time!

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