How Long Do Mermaids Live in The Sims 4? An In-Depth Guide

As a passionate The Sims gamer and content creator, I am often asked: how long do mermaid Sims live compared to regular Sims? After extensive testing and research, I can definitively state mermaids have extraordinarily extended lifespans granting them among the longest elder stages in The Sims 4.

Mermaid Lifespans: Key Facts and Stats

When enabled with long lifespan settings, mermaid elders can survive up to 810 Sim days due to their massive bonus lifespan. Thisstatistic makes mermaid elders the longest-lived occult type in the game!

To put their bonus lifespan into perspective:

Occult TypeBase Elder LifespanMermaid Bonus DaysTotal Elder Lifespan
Mermaid346 days+764 days810 days
Spellcaster346 days+0 days346 days

As shown in the table, only vampires match mermaids in terms of occult life stage length. Unlike vampires though, mermaids do physically age over their long lifespans while remaining vibrantly youthful in the process.

Impact of Lifespan Settings on Mermaid Ages

Mermaids receive elder bonuses scaled to match the lifespan setting chosen at the start of a save file. The bonuses granted are:

  • Long: +764 bonus days
  • Normal: +47.8 bonus days
  • Short: +11.9 bonus days

So even in short life games, mermaids outlive other elders by over 10 days on average.

Real-World Length of Mermaid Elder Stages

To put these mermaid elder durations into real-world playtime estimates:

  • Long Lifespan Elders: ~20 hours of playtime
  • Normal Lifespan Elders: ~6 hours of playtime
  • Short Lifespan Elders: ~2 hours of playtime

As you can see, the long lifespan bonus allows players to enjoy mermaid elders for very extensive periods – enabling more gameplay and storytelling opportunities before they die of old age.

Unique Aspects of Mermaid Aging

Unlike humans, mermaids gain their iconic fish tails and use abilities starting only in their teen lifestages. Before then, they appear fully human.

During the elder stage, mermaids keep their youthful looks and maintain most of their aquatic strengths. Theirutorial tails may change coloration but function identically.

Elders take on a few mermaid-specific characteristics including:

  • Gaining additional scales across their skin
  • Bright blue shadows around their eyes
  • Sitting stooped or slumped more often

Despite some elderly markers, the Continuous and Forever Full needs bonuses make elders highly self-sufficient – perfect for undersea living!

Mermaid Elder Gameplay Tips and Strategies

The dramatically extended mermaid elder life stage offers ample time to wrap up storylines or build skills compared to regular Sims. Take advantage by:

  • Maxing out multiple aspiration trees like Fabulously Wealthy, Beach Life, or Leader of the Pack with decades to spare.
  • Completing multiple career tracks without worrying about imminent death from old age. Underwater careers like Conservationist and Oceanographer suit them perfectly.
  • Using elder mermaid abilities like Siren‘s Call to round up whole colonies of Sims for influencing or story moments. Their powers make Sim control easy!
  • Mentoring offspring for considerably longer by conceiving heirs late in life. Their preternatural lifespans mean less generational turnover.
  • Building Dynasties as the family patron by marshaling younger generations to raise the household‘s status over their many elder years.

In short, elder mermaids break all the limits for Sim seniors – letting you play them to the fullest and furthest extents possible in The Sims 4!

Breeding Mermaid Hybrids

Thanks to their aquatic nature, mermaids combine successfully with nearly all other occult creature types via WooHoo or Try for Baby interactions. This allows creating hybrid babies like:

  • Mermaid-Spellcasters
  • Mermaid-Aliens
  • Mermaid-Vampires
  • Mermaid-Plantsims
  • Mermaid-Ghosts

However, some hybrids like Mermaid-Vampires can encounter issues with properly integrating abilities, often defaulting to just one occult type. Hopefully hybrid functionality gets patched for full access to both power sets!

Meanwhile, hybridization opens up extremely exciting storytelling possibilities – like a mermaid enchantress protecting her undersea coven or an undead mermaid charming victims to a watery grave!

Conclusion: Live Long and Prosper as Elder Mermaids!

In the end, elder mermaids have incredible advantages over regular and even most occult elders in terms of functional lifespan. With nearly triple the longevity, their stories don‘t need to end anytime soon. Take advantage of every extra day by trying game features you‘ve never had time for before while roleplaying a charmed, eternal existence beneath the waves!

What will you get up to with your long-lived mermaid elders in The Sims 4? Let everyone know in the comments!

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