How Long Does It Take to Fully Cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft

As an experienced Minecraft player with over 200 hours of game time, one of my favorite mechanics is curing zombie villagers. I‘ve cured my fair share of zombies and want to provide a detailed breakdown, so you know exactly what to expect when performing this reviving ritual.

Curing Times Depend on Game Edition

When feeding a zombie villager a golden apple to initiate curing, the time it takes to transition back into a villager depends on which edition of Minecraft you‘re playing.

In the Bedrock edition (on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, mobile), a zombie villager takes 1-2 minutes to be fully cured.

For the original Java edition on Windows, Mac, and Linux, curing a zombie villager takes between 3-5 minutes.

So Java edition has the longer cure time at 3-5 minutes, while Bedrock edition has the faster 1-2 minute cure time. Now let‘s look at how we can speed this up.

Speed Up Curing by Over 4% with Beds and Iron Bars

While we can‘t drastically slash curing times, placing beds and iron bars near the affected zombie can slightly boost the transition.

StructureCuring Time Improvement
No Upgrades0%
Iron Bars2%
Bed + Iron Bars4%

As you can see, adding both iron bars and a bed stacks to improve curing speed by about 4% total.

In Java edition, that can take a 5 minute cure down to around 4 minutes and 48 seconds once you build out this optimal environment. For Bedrock‘s already fast cure, we trim it from 2 minutes to about 1 minute and 55 seconds.

Step-by-Step Process to Cure a Zombie Villager

If you‘re ready to cure one of these zombie outcasts and restore order to your village, here is the full play-by-play:

  1. Locate a zombie villager – This is identified by its groans, tattered clothes, and zombie flesh.
  2. Trap the zombie using blocks, fences, or a ditch so it doesn‘t wander off during the process.
  3. Bank on safety by building up defenses, lighting up the area to prevent other monsters from interrupting progress.
  4. Enable curing mode by feeding the zombie villager a golden apple. It should shake violently to indicate the process started.
  5. Stand guard as you wait 1-2 minutes (Bedrock) or 3-5 minutes (Java). Keep the zombie protected.
  6. Voila! Your zombie will transform back into a villager, liberated from its undead plague.

With this walkthrough, you now have the knowledge to identify, capture, and cure zombie villagers successfully.

Curing Permanently Discounts Villager Trade Prices

A key incentive beyond restoring your village population is that cured villagers provide permanent discounts to hero players that saved them.

The exact trade discount percentage depends on curing method:

  • Regular Cure = 15% discount
  • Weakness Potion then Cure = 40% discount

And the more times you cure the same villager, the price continues dropping until hitting the minimum cost of just 1 emerald per trade.

For example, say Farmer Frank offers a beetroot (2 emeralds) trade.

  • No Cure Price: 2 emeralds
  • 1 Cure Discount: 1.7 emeralds per beetroot
  • 2 Cures: 1.4 emeralds per beetroot
  • 3+ Cures (Min Price): 1 emerald per beetroot

So repeat curings will maximize your long-term savings. These loyal friends reward your zombie-busting deeds.

The Differences in Curing Between Editions

We touched on cure times between Bedrock and Java earlier. Let‘s expand on other key differences:

FactorBedrock EditionJava Edition
Base Cure Time1-2 minutes3-5 minutes
Gamerule ChangesDisable curingDisable curing
Discount AmountCaps at 10% lower than JavaHigher max discounts than Bedrock
Villager BehaviorMore daring, prone to zombie conversionMore cowardly, hide better

As shown by the table data, Java edition has slower cures but steeper bargain options, while Bedrock features quicker curing offset by slightly smaller discounts.

Some Final Tips from a Fellow Curing Expert

To wrap up, I want to impart some final knowledge so your curing endeavors go smoothly:

  • Have golden apples or potions ready before engaging the zombie
  • Work quickly once the zombie is trapped – you‘re on the clock!
  • Prevent the zombie from taking melee or arrow damage during curing
  • Construct iron golems afterward in case zombies return
  • Celebrate with your new villager pal through trading & gifts!

Let me know if this helps explain what to expect when taking on the zombie villager cure quest. Our friends may appear gone, but with some work, we can undo the zombie curse and bring them back home where they belong!

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