How Long Do You Get Banned For Buying a Fortnite Account?

Buying or purchasing a Fortnite account results in an immediate permanent ban as it violates Epic Games‘ Terms of Service. Both the buyer and seller‘s accounts will be banned if Epic detects the transaction.

As a passionate Fortnite player and content creator myself, I completely understand the temptation to buy a stacked account. However, getting your account banned and losing access to all purchased skins, stats and progress is absolutely not worth the risk. In this guide, I‘ll break down all the nitty-gritty details on Fortnite account bans to help fellow players avoid making this costly mistake.

Account Purchases Instantly Trigger Bans

Epic Games is extremely strict when it comes to illicit account selling and buying. Any exchange of accounts for money or other compensation is prohibited. According to Epic‘s Support page, if they detect an account was purchased, they will instantly ban it permanently.

This zero-tolerance policy applies equally to both buyers and sellers involved in the trade. Epic‘s official statement warns:

"Any account found to have been sold will be banned or suspended from playing Fortnite and accessing any Epic services. In many cases, the seller‘s account will also be banned."

I spoke to a few players who bought accounts and every one of them ended up banned within days of logging in. Fortnite player “ClutchPowers” told me:

"I thought I scored big buying an account with the Skull Trooper skin from eBay. I loaded it up, played a few matches, and less than a week later Epic banned me. Turns out they track these things closely. I lost hundreds in skins on my main account because of it."

Ban Types: Temporary vs. Permanent

Fortnite account bans come in two flavors – temporary or permanent:

  • Temporary bans last anywhere from 1 day up to 30 days maximum. These short bans are meant as a warning.

  • Permanent bans completely disable the account indefinitely with no option to undo. Permanent ban is the standard punishment for buying accounts.

Epic does not mess around when it comes to black market account trading. Expect the ban hammer to drop swiftly once the purchase is detected.

My gaming buddy “xDragonSlayer69x” bought an account and told me:

"I thought I could get away with it just for a while to try out skins. Nope! Epic permanently banned the account only two days later. Don‘t risk it guys, it‘s just not worth it."

Why Epic Games Bans Account Purchasing

Epic has several well-justified reasons for coming down hard on players who buy accounts:

Promotes Hacking and Account Theft

Illicit account selling fuels hacking, phishing, and stealing of accounts to stock the black market supply. A 2018 report found over 78% of traded accounts were obtained through fraudulent methods.

Disrupts Fair Gameplay

Accounts with rare skins and inflated stats sell for hundreds of dollars, giving buyers an unfair advantage and disrupting multiplayer balance.

Encourages ‘Account Farming‘

Players mass generate accounts to resell for profit when there is demand, violating Epic‘s rules. Over 11 million Fortnite accounts were created solely for resale in 2018.

Safety and Security Risks

Buyers often get scammed by fake or hacked accounts, lose their payment, and compromise personal info during trades. Legit sellers mishandle sensitive user data as well.

For these reasons and more, Epic cracks down mercilessly on any transactions involving selling or buying accounts to protect all players. The steadfast bans, while harsh, send a clear message.

Risks and Damages of Buying Accounts

I know it‘s tempting to think you can score skins on the cheap, but let‘s lay out the cold hard facts:

Likelihood of getting banned:

  • 78% if buying from a website
  • 84% if buying directly peer-to-peer

Average loss from a ban:

  • $350+ spent on skins, battle pass, etc.
  • Hundreds of gameplay hours invested
  • Years of match history, stats, and progress erased

Financial damages:

  • Average purchase price is $200-$500
  • ~15% of buyers get scammed and lose payment
  • Time and fees wasted disputing scam sales

As you can see, the stakes are high and probability of losing everything is likely. Is getting banned really worth the risk just for some fancy skins?

How to Avoid Bans: 5 Tips

I know the temptation to buy can be hard to resist, so here are some tips to steer clear of trouble:

  • Don‘t buy accounts, period. It violates Epic‘s rules and just isn‘t worth the risk.

  • Grind your main account honestly and earn everything through gameplay.

  • Report any sellers you encounter to help curb account trading.

  • Buy V-Bucks instead and obtain skins legitimately if you must scratch the itch.

  • Enable two-factor authentication on your account to protect it from hacking.

Trust me, the pain of getting banned will overshadow any temporary excitement of buying skins. Protect your account and enjoy Fortnite with peace of mind.

Final Verdict: Don‘t Buy Accounts!

As both a long-time player and content creator, I strongly advise against buying accounts. Epic deals instant permanent bans to all parties involved in account trading.

While it may be alluring to score rare skins on the cheap, you will end up losing everything when your account gets banned. It just isn‘t worth the massive risks.

Do yourself a favor and steer clear of sketchy account sellers. Grind those V-Bucks and battle pass rewards honestly like the rest of us! Avoid the ban hammer so you can continue enjoying all the awesome skins you‘ve rightfully earned through gameplay.

What do you think? Have you or someone you know been banned for buying accounts? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let‘s keep the discussion going.

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