How Long Does a Game of Total War: Warhammer 3 Take?

As an passionate strategy gamer and content creator who has sunk over 500 hours into Total War: Warhammer 3, I‘m often asked – just how long does a game take? The answer can vary dramatically depending on how deeply you want to explore the content.

Main Campaign Storyline

If you focus solely on the core narrative campaign for one race, you‘re looking at around 30-40 hours. This involves completing the main story chapters and faction-specific objectives. For example, playing just Kislev‘s storyline that centers around finding their lost god.

However, that number starts expanding quick if you want to fully complete everything Warhammer 3 has to offer.

Completionist Campaign Playtime

For those who want to dig into all the content available, here are some of the factors that can significantly increase playtime:

  • Multi-Race Campaigns: There are 8 core races in Warhammer 3, each with their own 30-40 hour campaign and narrative. If you complete all the campaigns that number starts approaching 300+ hours.

  • Immortal Empires Conquest: The new Immortal Empires campaign combines all 3 Warhammer games into the largest map ever. Conquering everything can take 200+ hours.

  • Higher Difficulties: Raising the campaign and battle difficulty increases the challenge substantially, requiring more careful strategy and drawing out playtimes.

  • Replayability & Achievements: With so many races, abilities, units and possible outcomes – replayability is endless. Unlocking all achievements can add many hours.

My Total War: Warhammer 3 Playtime Breakdown

As someone who has invested over 500 hours into Warhammer 3, this is approximately how my playtime breaks down:

Main Narrative Campaigns87 hours
Completing Victory Conditions152 hours
Multiplayer Campaigns32 hours
Custom Battles46 hours
Survival Battles15 hours
Experimenting Army Builds95 hours
Quest Battles23 hours
Achievement Hunting67 hours

And I still have content I‘m working through! Between the different races, units, abilities, magic systems, and branching narratives there really is endless potential playtime and replayability available.

In Summary

While the main campaign storyline will take 30-40 hours, whether your playtime stretches beyond 100 or even 500 hours comes down to how deeply you want to experience all the content Total War: Warhammer 3 has to offer. And for strategy fans like myself – it‘s a heck of a lot!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions around playtimes or areas you want expanded on further. Happy conquering!

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