Demystifying Poffins: A Detailed Breakdown on How Long These Premium Items Last in Pokémon GO

As a passionate Pokémon GO enthusiast and content creator, I get a lot questions from viewers asking for specifics on how long a Poffin actually lasts once you feed it to your Buddy Pokémon. So let‘s demystify Poffins with a deep dive!

What is a Poffin Anyway?

A Poffin is a special treat item that can only be obtained in Pokémon GO by spending 100 PokéCoins at the in-game Shop. Once fed to your designated Buddy Pokémon, it provides several premium perks:

  • Keeps your Buddy excited, full, and walking around on the Map View for 6 hours
  • Awards the maximum daily Affection hearts for the "Give your buddy a treat" category
  • Boosts conditions like Coolness and Beauty which helps tremendously when participating in the new Buddy Vs Buddy Contests
  • Quickens the journey to Best Buddy status

So in summary, Poffins take your Buddy experience to the next level – but only temporarily. This brings us to the key question trainers have been asking me…

How Long Exactly Does a Poffin Last After You Feed It?

The duration of a Poffin‘s effects last for precisely 6 hours after it is fed to your Buddy Pokémon.

To put this into perspective, here is a comparison of regular Berries versus Poffins:

ItemBuddy Duration on MapAdditional Effects
Regular Berry3 hoursNone
Poffin6 hoursHigher Affection, Excited Mood Boosted Conditions

As you can see, the Poffin clearly provides better value in terms of both time and effects. But because it costs precious PokéCoins, you want to plan your gameplay accordingly once Poffins are in play.

Let‘s analyze exactly what happens during those 6 magical hours after feeding a Poffin:

Hour-By-Hour Breakdown: What Transpires Within Those 6 Hours

Here is an hour-by-hour timeline showcasing what you can expect over the 6 hour duration after feeding a Poffin:

HourBuddy Status
1On Map, Excited Mood, Award 1st Daily Affection Heart
2On Map, Excited Mood
3On Map, Excited Mood
4On Map, Excited Mood
5On Map, Excited Mood
6On Map, Excited Mood Times Out

Some key takeaways:

  • Your Buddy stays on the Map view for the full 6 hours, moving around dynamically
  • The Excited Mood remains activated too, with hearts continuing to pop out above your Buddy‘s head
  • You automatically obtain the maximum 3 daily Affection hearts for treats just from the initial feeding

Once hour #6 hits, things revert back to normal. Your Buddy walks off the Map View, the Excited status wears off, and you‘ll have to repeat activities to build back up Affection.

Rinse and repeat daily with new Poffins if you so desire!

Optimal Timing: When Should You Feed Your Buddy a Poffin?

To maximize value from your paid Poffins, I recommend feeding them when you expect to play Pokémon GO extensively over a 6 hour stretch. For example:

  • Lazy Sunday afternoons when running errands around town
  • Right before a 6 hour road trip as a passenger
  • On Community Day or other Pokémon GO events lasting multiple hours

You generally want active match gameplay time to equal or exceed the 6 hour Poffin duration window. Otherwise, you risk wasting portions of that premium item.

My personal favorite high yield situation? Using a Poffin followed immediately by activating a Glacial Lure Module for some intense Buddy Raids action! That always makes for a fun-filled 6 hours at my local PokéStophotspot. 😊

Well hopefully this gives you a very thorough answer to "how long does a Poffin last" along with some extra insights into maximizing their impact. Let me know in comments if you have any other Poffin or Buddy related questions!

Stay safe and happy hunting, trainers.

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