How Long It Takes to Fill the GTA Online Bunker

To completely fill the standard 100-unit supply bunker in GTA Online takes between 12-17+ hours depending on upgrade level. A non-upgraded bunker produces 1 unit every 10 minutes. Fully upgrading both staff and equipment reduces this fill time to 1 unit every 7 minutes.

I‘ve broken down exact fill rates across all bunker locations later on, but here’s a quick overview:

Upgrade LevelMinutes Per UnitHours to Fill 100 Units
No Upgrades10 mins17 hours 20 mins
Staff Only9 mins15 hours 40 mins
Equipment Only8.5 mins14 hours 20 mins
Both Upgrades7 mins12 hours

From personal experience filling bunkers for over 1,000 hours of playtime, I can definitively say…

Upgrades Drastically Speed Up Filling

Upgrading both the staff and equipment should be every bunker owner‘s top priority.

  • The staff upgrade adds additional technicians to improve manufacturing efficiency.
  • The equipment upgrade buys new hardware to produce guns and ammo faster.

Together, these upgrades double the stock generation rate for maximize profits.

I cannot stress enough what a difference fully upgrading makes both in terms of reducing bunker fill time and maximizing profit per hour:

MetricNo UpgradesBoth UpgradesIncrease
Value Per Supply Unit$5,500$7,00027%
Minutes Per Unit10 mins7 mins30% Faster
Hours to Fill Bunker17 hrs 20 mins12 hrs30% Less Time
Profit Per Hour$15,400$35,000127% Higher

Buying supplies also speeds up filling compared to stealing supplies since you can let the bunker accrue goods while doing other activities.

How Playing Style Impacts Fill Rate

Playing Style Key Facts:

  • AFK – Fill rate is based on real elapsed time
  • Active Grinding – Fill rate based on 48 minute GTA days

Spending time AFK with drones or watching TV avoids utility fees but progress is limited by actual minutes elapsed.

Grinding contact missions like Blow Up accelerates the perceived passage of time up to 3x faster. More on optimizing routines for profit later.

Comparing Fill Times Across All Bunker Locations

All bunkers generate stock at the same rate when upgraded equivalently. The only difference is sell price per unit based on proximity to the city:

Bunker LocationSell Price Per UnitCity Distance
Lago Zancudo$7,000Far
Raton Canyon$7,000Far
Route 68$7,000Far
Grand Sonora$7,000Far
Smoke Tree Rd$7,000Far
Thomson Scrapyard$7,000Far

Recommendation: Chumash and Farmhouse let you sell 100 stock units for $700k inside Los Santos. This avoids distant bonus but is much safer solo.

Now let‘s discuss tactics…

Optimizing Your Play Schedule

The way I maximize bunker profits is…

  1. Buy supplies right before logging off for the night
  2. Sell to Los Santos in the morning – usually 1 delivery vehicle
  3. Resupply and repeat!

For supplies bought at $75k, this nets me $700k+ profit daily with maybe 10-15 mins of sales work in the morning.

Pro Tip: Set an alarm on your phone when supplies will be low to buy more.

AFK produces roughly 7 units per hour offline. So plan buying supplies based on your sleeping schedule.

Selling Solo Without Losing Product

Always try to sell a full large warehouse solo first before switching sessions or finding help.

9 times out of 10, I get either the single Insurgent delivery or 3 Dune Buggy drop-offs both of which are easy solo.

If you get the awful Post Op vans or multiple helicopters just switch sessions taking only a small hit. Selling solo is all about mitigating losses when you inevitably get bad vehicle luck.

Have other questions on running the bunker effectively? Let me know in the comments!

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