How long does Clone Spell last?

The Clone Spell creates identical troops that last for 30 seconds before disappearing. This provides a temporary doubling of your army‘s firepower within the spell‘s area of effect.

Understanding Clone Spell Mechanics and Interactions

With a 3.5 tile radius, the Clone Spell targets the troops with the lowest housing space first. This typically includes support troops like Balloons, Wizards, Bowlers which have relatively low hitpoints. The duplicate troops match the level of your original army.

Upgrading the Clone Spell does not extend the clone duration, but it does allow you to clone higher level troops. The below table shows the spell details:

Clone Spell LevelTown Hall LevelHousing Space ClonedClone Duration
1102530 seconds
2113030 seconds
3123530 seconds

Most Effective Troops To Clone

Experienced players recommend cloning the following troops for maximum offensive power:

  • Balloons – Increased damage to absorb Air Defenses
  • Hog Riders – Additional DPS to crush defenses
  • Bowlers – Excellent area damage behind Tanks
  • Wizards – High splash damage to support

Correctly timing and placing your Clone Spells is crucial to get the most value. Pay attention to troop pathing and clone them precisely as they engage key defenses for optimum damage.

Clone Spell Combos and Effective Tactics

Experienced attackers have found the following troop combinations work extremely well with the Clone Spell:

Bowlers + Clone

  • +127% DPS during clone duration
  • 67% more damage per Housing Space

Balloon Chain + Clone

  • Absorbs 2x Wizard Tower damage
  • Funnels more effectively to core

Pro Clone Spell Tips

According to competitive players and developer interviews, expert clone tactics include:

  • Clone troops just before they engage splash damage
  • Take troop movement into account to optimize placement
  • Sequence Clone Spell between Hero abilities
  • Use Rage Spells to compliment cloned troops

Getting your clone timing, placement and combinations right requires practice, but pays off tremendously on the attack!

Comparing Clone Spell to the Rage Spell

The Clone and Rage Spells both provide a major short-term offensive boost to your army. However, they work in slightly different ways:

CloneExtra troops30 sec
RageFaster attacks8 sec

When to Use Each Spell

  • Clone Spell – Cloning Bowlers, Balloons or Hogs
  • Rage Spell – Speeding Queen Walks or Miner pathing

Understanding these Spell differences allows picking the right one for your army and attack strategy.

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