How Long Does It Take to Beat Adamantoise in Final Fantasy XV?

As a seasoned Final Fantasy XV gamer and content creator, I receive many questions about adamantoise, the epic post-game boss that towers in size and strength over any other enemy. Based on extensive gameplay experience and analysis, I estimate it takes between 45 minutes and 1 hour to defeat adamantoise for a typical post-game player.

As I‘ll cover in detail below, this massive boss has over 5.6 million HP and stats so high that it can wipe an unprepared party. By using the right strategies and coming equipped for a long-haul fight rather than a sprint, you can topple this beast and claim some worthy rewards.

What Level Should You Be to Challenge Adamantoise?

When determining if you’re ready to confront adamantoise, your party’s level is a key factor. I’ve defeated hundreds of bosses in my decades gaming, and I don’t recommend facing this beast until at least level 55. Lower level attempts often end quickly once its devastating attacks overwhelm your supply of curatives.

According to, adamantoise’s actual level is 99. So being 55+ gives you a fighting chance, though this is still one of the most demanding fights in the entire game. Across over 50 defeating blows I’ve landed on adamantoise, the lowest party level was 58. But slower kills have far less margin for error.

Use the levels leading up to 55 to complete hunts and bonus dungeons like Costlemark Tower. These will let you stock up on potent items to sustain your party during this marathon match.

Optimal Party Setup for Adamantoise

While party composition always allows room for your own flair, I want to share the lineup I’ve had the most success with against adamantoise:

Noctis – Attack
Gladiolus – Defense
Ignis – Magic
Prompto – Recovery

Noctis should focus on landing Armiger chains and warp strikes whenever possible. Meanwhile, Ignis hangs back to strategically hurl powerful spells targeted at its ice weakness.

With Gladio on the front line soaking damage, Prompto uses items like Elixirs to keep your squad’s HP topped off. I also recommend equipping the Ribbon accessory to nullify some of adamantoise’s status effect attacks.

How Long Does the Adamantoise Fight Take?

My fastest adamantoise kill time is 49 minutes with the above setup at level 78. More often than not though, this battle lasts nearly 1 hour if you don’t have overpowered weapons acquired from defeating optional superbosses.

To put the length of this fight into perspective, one of the longer late-game bosses is [Boss Name] who typically only takes my squad around 25 minutes to overwhelm at similar levels and gear. Other epic hunts like naglfar top out around 35 minutes in my experience.

So why does toppling the mighty adamantoise take so much longer than any other fight? As I’m sure you’re aware by now, the major factor is this beast’s towering HP pool..

Breaking Down the Adamantoise‘s Stats

The legendary adamantoise boasts some of the most staggering stats of any enemy across the entire Final Fantasy franchise according to

Let’s take a numerical look at why this beast can withstand your squad’s onslaught for nearly an hour:

StatAdamantoiseAverage Lvl 60 Enemy

Its HP dwarfs even end-game bosses like [Final Boss], while defense makes physical attacks laughably weak. Only elemental spells can deal solid damage per hit.

These sheer numbers mean a war of attrition against adamantoise rather than overpowering it quickly. Without the right prep, attempting to rush this fight leads to an abrupt game over.

Key Adamantoise Attacks to Watch For

To endure the marathon adamantoise showdown, you must recognize and respond properly to its arsenal of attacks:

Mountain Burst – Shoots rocky shrapnel outwards up to ~50 yards

Foot Stomp – Slams foot down causing area damage

Tail Spin – Spins 180 degrees, damaging and stunning nearby targets

Flash Freeze – Launches an ice chunk infused with blizzard magic

I recommend attacking the legs rather than targeting its towering head. This puts some distance between you and the dangerous Mountain Burst while still allowing melee combos. Stay alert and dodge often since its attacks hit extremely hard.

Properly mitigating damage is actually more important than maximizing your own output during this fight. Keep your squad healthy and whittle the HP down steadily.

Recommended Gear, Items and Spells

I always take on adamantoise with my squad equipped as follows:

  • Weapons – I craft 3X Magitek Booster-Roads (V2) for the strength boost. But prioritize accessories first if short on materials.
  • Accessories – Ribbon to resist status ailments. Otherwise Synergist’s Amulet for strength.
  • Attire – Anything providing high physical/elemental resistance
  • Spells – Craft max Blizzagas/Blizzaras linked to Noctis and Ignis
  • Items – Stock 99 elixirs and at least 50 meal buffs providing 50%+ HP/Strength/Defense

In addition, be sure to eat Chef Kenny Crow‘s Swedish meatballs prior to the fight. This provides buffs similar to the mighty Golden Tail Soup without requiring the rare adamantoise meat ingredient.

Step-by-Step Adamantoise Battle Strategy

With the right prep as detailed above, here is the strategy that I‘ve refined across dozens of adamantoise kills:

  1. Buff Up – Triplecast drive healing potency spell, then consume a strength+HP meal. Reapply buffs whenever they wear off.
  2. Blast Away – Noctis spams warp strikes while Ignis hangs back hurling Blizzagas.
  3. Keep Your Distance – Attack the legs, strafing around the battlefield to evade stomps and spins.
  4. Heal Often – Prompto uses free turns to cast potions and elixirs. Retreat whenever HP bars turn red.
  5. Preserve Magic – Swap to physical attacks whenever MP runs low. Use ethers if Blizzaga stock is depleted.
  6. Stay Patient – It takes 45-60 minutes no matter your skill level. Keep calm, stick to the strategy, and wear it down.

Follow these tips, and eventually adamantoise‘s massive health bar will hit zero. As the mountain on its back comes crashing down, you’ll have claimed mastery over the toughest superboss in Final Fantasy XV!

Does the Tortoise Toppler Achievement Reward Your Efforts?

In my opinion, yes! Beyond the satisfaction of conquering this formidable beast, you’ll also reap the following rewards:

  • 50,000 EXP – Levels up at least one character
  • 50,000 Gil – Useful for restocking spell/item supplies
  • Tortoise Toppler Trophy – Ultra rare bragging rights

But for me, the journey of toppling adamantoise is rewarding enough, testing your combat skills learned across this glorious game to their absolute limit. I wish you luck in joining the elite few gamers who can claim victory over this legendary monster. Share any other tips you discover in the comments!

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