How Long Does it Take to Fully Complete Dragon Age: Inquisition and All its DLC?

As an avid fan who has logged over 300 hours across multiple playthroughs, I can definitively say a full completionist run of Dragon Age: Inquisition, including all side content and major DLC expansions, will require around 150+ hours for most gamers.

Completion Time Breakdown

Here is a detailed breakdown of the approximate time it takes to complete each piece of content in Dragon Age: Inquisition’s vast open world:

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ContentTime to Complete (Hours)
Main Story50-60
Side Quests & Extra Content40+
Jaws of Hakkon DLC6-8
The Descent DLC6-8
Trespasser DLC5-6
Total for 100% Completion150+

As you can see, the main story alone provides over 50 hours of content. But completing all side adventures across the various regions of Orlais and Ferelden can easily double your game time.

The three story-driven DLC expansions then add another 20 hours or so of additional gameplay. It all adds up!

Level Recommendations Before Starting DLC Quests

I would strongly advise being at least Level 20 before diving into any of Dragon Age: Inquisition‘s DLC zones.

The enemies and challenges you‘ll face in these new areas are much more formidable than the base game. Attempting the quests at too low a level will result in a lot of frustrating defeats.

Each DLC also has an advisor recommended level:

  • Jaws of Hakkon: Level 20
  • The Descent: Level 17+ (I‘d go 20 to be safe)
  • Trespasser: End-Game/Level 27

Reaching Level 20 organically simply from completing side content takes most players around 60-80 hours depending on playstyle. So use the advisors‘ tips to gauge when you’re ready.

What is the Max Level Cap in Dragon Age Inquisition?

The maximum level your Inquisitor can reach is Level 27, which unlocks at 791,384 total XP.

Realistically getting a character to max level requires completing nearly all content in the game, including high level dragon battles and difficult shard collections. It represents a true feat of dedication and mastery!

How Many Endings Are There?

While slightly exaggerated, Dragon Age creative director Mike Laidlaw has stated there are "a few completely unique endings" with "40 major variations."

These endings stem from the multitude of choices you can make surrounding political alliances, companion relationships, the Grey Wardens, and more. It provides tremendous replay value trying to navigate different narrative branches across new playthroughs!

What is the Most Powerful Class?

Based on my extensive hands-on experience, I can confidently declare Rogues as the most powerful class in Dragon Age Inquisition.

Whether dual-wielding daggers or attacking from range with a bow, Rogues consistently output the highest damage-per-second (DPS) against all types of enemies. They also gain access to exclusive specialty skills focused on crit-fishing and burst potential.

Mages and Warriors certainly have their situational advantages, but Rogues‘ raw efficiency is unmatched!

Can You Keep Playing after Beating the Main Story?

A great aspect about open world RPGs like Dragon Age is you aren‘t just forced to reload an old save when you finish the main questline. You can keep right on exploring new areas and wrapping up unfinished business!

So if you beat the core storyline at around Level 16, you still have 10 more levels worth of progression left doing side content, dragon hunts, DLC quests, and more.

My first ever playthrough I racked up around 90 hours after the credits rolled. So don‘t worry about running out of things to accomplish post-game!

Do Choices From Past Dragon Age Games Carry Over?

While your exact Warden and Hawke won‘t get imported, many narrative choices made in previous Dragon Age games do get referenced and reflected in Inquisition.

Examples include the status of supporting characters like Alistair, Leliana, Morrigan, Varric, and Cassandra. The state of factions like the Mages and Templars also stem from past decisions.

Seeing this continuity payoff is incredibly rewarding for veteran fans of the franchise. It also incentivizes additional playthroughs to experience how the world changes based on critical choices.

I hope this detailed guide gives you a comprehensive overview of the vast amount of content within Dragon Age Inquisition and realistic estimates for completion times.

Getting to 100% across all zones, quests, and DLC represents a true feat worthy of the Inquisitor title! But with a little dedication and passion for the franchise, uncovering all these secrets for yourself is an unforgettable gaming achievement.

Let me know if you have any other questions about optimizing your playthrough! I‘m always happy to share more tips and insights with fellow Dragon Age fans.

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